I think there must be an option to enable/disable the syncing of accounts.
There are some use cases when we only use the modules to send emails via Mailjet.

What do you think ?

Issue fork mailjet-3116413

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j.b created an issue. See original summary.

j.b’s picture

Title: Disable syncing of accounts. » Enable/disable syncing of accounts.
Issue summary: View changes
j.b’s picture

Here is a patch that adds that functionality

j.b’s picture

Patch has been rewritten

j.b’s picture

j.b’s picture

4.85 KB
abramm’s picture

Version: 8.x-2.7 » 3.0.x-dev
ReINFaTe’s picture

Reroll for 3.0.x

ReINFaTe’s picture

Status: Active » Needs review

MR !35 is hopefully a better implementation of the previous patch

SocialNicheGuru’s picture

Does not apply to latest dev.

SocialNicheGuru’s picture

Status: Needs review » Needs work
abramm’s picture

Status: Needs work » Needs review

The MR is mergeable, so I can clearly see the changes may be applied.

SocialNicheGuru’s picture

I can't get the MR to apply to 3.x-dev.
What am I missing?

abramm’s picture

Status: Needs review » Closed (outdated)

You must be looking at wrong branch; the correct one is 3.0.x.
The latest 3.0.x-dev release track the 3.0.x branch, I've just verified it's up to date (latest file changes are 02 Mar 2023).

The 3.x-dev release was created accidentally 2 years ago and it's hidden from the releases list.

abramm’s picture

Status: Closed (outdated) » Needs review
SocialNicheGuru’s picture

You are right. I did pull down the incorrect branch via composer.
I am sorry for the noise and thank you for the solution.