Smile has created turnkey Drupal installation profil to kickstart your projects with a robust foundation, while still giving you the freedom to cater to your creativity and needs.
→ Here is our release blog post.

To achieve this, we have created Sobki Bootstrap, a turnkey Drupal installation profile which utilizes the Bootstrap design system: →

It can be used as a general base for standard site creation via low-code and/or as a foundational framework to develop a specific site (or a multi-site system) using low-code and Drupal development.

Sobki's mission is to free the creativity of editorial teams by providing simple and ergonomic access to the power of Drupal.


1 - Design System

Sobki Bootstrap, as its name suggests, uses the Bootstrap design system. It can be configured to match your brand guidelines with simple back-office settings.

Bootstrap, the front-end framework, was originally designed to ensure the graphical consistency of Twitter's application ecosystem. Today, it is widely used for website creation.

Its flexibility in terms of stylistic customization allows it to support a wide variety of brand guidelines.

2 - No Code

Harness the full potential of Drupal in "site building" with our No Code approach. Turn your vision into reality without needing programming skills, and benefit from all the powerful features Drupal offers to build your solution.

  • Powered by core modules:
    • Creation of content types, block types
    • Views
    • Layout Builder
    • etc.
  • Enhanced by modules from the UI Suite initiative
  • With Sobki, essential features for your solution are already installed in your Drupal profile, so you don't need to write a single line of code!
    Examples of available features (or on our roadmap):
    • Contact forms
    • Newsletter subscriptions
    • Maps of points of interest
    • Multilingual
    • Publication scheduling
    • Security
    • etc.

Note: Just like Drupal, Sobki is limitless; you can also use it as a base and add any Drupal modules you choose.

3 - Sustainable IT

Sobki aims to address the pillars of Sustainable IT practices:

  • Environmental: A reusable codebase for each of your sites, streamlined features, and a continuous improvement approach to optimizing Sobki in terms of energy consumption.
  • Social: At every stable release of the platform, special attention will be paid to current standards, both from an accessibility (WCAG, RGAA) and privacy (GDPR, the European framework initially) perspective.
  • Governance: An open-source approach that protects you from potential vendor lock-in and regular security audits on Sobki's code.



Sobki enables the construction of complex pages from preconfigured blocks by non-technical contributors for key unique pages such as:

  • Homepage
  • "Who We Are"
  • "Our Key Figures"
  • Head of category
  • Landing pages linked to marketing campaigns

Site Building

Sobki enables the construction of page templates by experienced and trained users, commonly for content types like:

  • Blog articles
  • Job offers
  • Customer testimonials
  • Store pages
  • Product sheets
  • etc.



→ UI Suite Initiative

→ Gin Admin Theme

Drupal Modules Used

List of modules included in Sobki Bootstrap:

Sobki Bootstrap


Technical documentation HERE 


  • Ensures code quality
  • Pre-configuration of blocks ensures graphical consistency
  • Reduces time of development
  • And thus reduces project costs
  • Eco-friendly by nature—reduced carbon footprint due to a reusable codebase, streamlined features, and actors trained in eco-design and accessibility


Using Sobki has saved me time on my project. With the Sobki installation profile, we don't need to manage the UI suite module ecosystem and all the patches to use. Starting the initialization of a Drupal site with a solid base is very satisfying at the project launch. Germain ESCRIVA, Tech Lead

Creating content on Drupal has become child's play with Sobki. The interface is intuitive and the template functionality allows creating content in 2 minutes without coding while maintaining graphical coherence.A.L., Project Manager


Build your project with the 💚 Sobki team and Smile !

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Founding, Development, Maintenance

Project information
