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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And today this is how I feel...

About me


(waves) I'm Victoria Short. I live in Central Wisconsin, own three horses, four goats, and read science fiction, history, and genealogy books. I also spend a bit too much time playing games on my computer. I work from home as a horse bloodlines researcher and also am a gamemaster for a very small niche online game. I'm also a slave to the farm animals.

I'm interested in working on horse articles as well as Medieval England, specifically the Anglo-Norman period. Right now, I'm focusing on getting the medieval bishops up to snuff. When I'm sick of that, I fiddle with Quarter Horse and Arabian articles. Also working on the National Cutting Horse Association Hall of Fame. After that, I think some of the Anglo-Norman kings need serious help.

I studied Medieval English history at college, specifically the Anglo-Norman period, and have a great fondness for King William II Rufus. I'm not fond of Archbishop Anselm of Canterbury in return, which is why I'm not working on Anselm's article. I kinda feel that Stigand got a raw deal in life, and think that King Henry I of England, Rufus' younger brother, managed to do things his older brother did but doesn't get the bad press that Rufus did. Helps if you live forever, I guess.

My horses are Arabians, purebred and partbred, except for one American Quarter Horse mare. The others are one purebred gelding, one half-Arabian broodmare, one half-Arabian gelding and one three-quarters-Arabian mare. The purebred gelding did Working cow horse for two years, but right now is back with us trying to turn himself into a mud horse. Things are pretty busy right now, so while I'm working on Wiki, I'm not always able to respond quickly to concerns.



Where I've been


Places I've been:

Going to soon:

U.S. states I've visited:

Less than one day:

Things worked on (otherwise known as bragging)





  1. Stigand Wikipedia globe icon 27 September 2008
  2. Go Man Go Created Wikipedia globe icon 7 January 2009
  3. Ælfheah of Canterbury Wikipedia globe icon 30 April 2009
  4. Paulinus of York Wikipedia globe icon 29 May 2009
  5. Carucage Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 7 February 2010
  6. Thomas of Bayeux Wikipedia globe icon 12 August 2010
  7. Chicado V Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 7 November 2010
  8. Laurence of Canterbury Wikipedia globe icon 29 December 2010
  9. William Longchamp Wikipedia globe icon 12 January 2011
  10. Lightning Bar Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 23 January 2011
  11. Thoroughbred Wikipedia globe icon Vital Articles level 4 10 March 2011
  12. Mellitus Wikipedia globe icon 24 April 2011
  13. Alexander of Lincoln Did you know Wikipedia globe icon 30 June 2011
  14. Hemming's Cartulary Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 30 August 2011
  15. Hubert Walter Wikipedia globe icon 21 September 2011
  16. William de St-Calais Wikipedia globe icon 17 November 2011
  17. Justus Wikipedia globe icon 5 January 2012
  18. Richard Barre Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 4 February 2012
  19. Baldwin of Forde Wikipedia globe icon 18 February 2012
  20. Miss Meyers Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 24 May 2012
  21. Hygeberht Wikipedia globe icon 5 July 2012
  22. Gregorian mission Created Wikipedia globe icon 10 August 2012
  23. Augustine of Canterbury Wikipedia globe icon Vital Articles level 5 2 September 2012
  24. Appaloosa Wikipedia globe icon Vital Articles level 5 5 October 2012
  25. William Warelwast Wikipedia globe icon 9 November 2012
  26. Theobald of Bec Wikipedia globe icon 2 December 2012
  27. William the Conqueror Wikipedia globe icon Vital Articles level 3 25 December 2012
  28. Deusdedit of Canterbury Did you know Wikipedia globe icon 21 March 2013
  29. Fairfax Harrison Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 20 April 2013
  30. Middle Ages Wikipedia globe icon Vital Articles level 3 12 September 2013
  31. Walter de Coutances Wikipedia globe icon 16 November 2013
  32. Easy Jet (horse) Wikipedia globe icon 20 December 2013
  33. Gilbert Foliot Did you know Wikipedia globe icon 6 March 2014
  34. Wilfrid Wikipedia globe icon 24 April 2014
  35. Liber Eliensis Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 22 August 2014
  36. Geoffrey, Archbishop of York Wikipedia globe icon 12 December 2014
  37. Robert Burnell Wikipedia globe icon 5 April 2015
  38. Broad Ripple Park Carousel Wikipedia globe icon 13 September 2015
  39. Barbara L Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 1 November 2015
  40. Robert de Chesney Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 19 December 2015
  41. Robert of Jumièges Wikipedia globe icon 29 June 2016
  42. Norman conquest of England Wikipedia globe icon Vital Articles level 4 14 October 2016 (950th anniversary of the battle...)
  43. Pain fitzJohn Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 28 December 2016
  44. Jersey Act Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 13 January 2017
  45. Hugh de Neville Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 14 March 2017
  46. Battle of Hastings Wikipedia globe icon Vital Articles level 4 14 October 2017
  47. Nigel, Bishop of Ely Wikipedia globe icon 11 December 2017
  48. William of Wrotham Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 7 January 2018
  49. Urse d'Abetot Did you know Wikipedia globe icon 14 April 2018 Created
  50. Monroe Edwards Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 27 June 2018
  51. Hilary of Chichester Created Wikipedia globe icon 4 July 2018
  52. John de Gray Wikipedia globe icon 29 September 2018
  53. Roger Norreis Did you know Created Wikipedia globe icon 19 October 2018
  54. Ralph Neville Wikipedia globe icon 26 July 2019
  55. William de Corbeil Wikipedia globe icon 12 October 2019
  56. Gerard, Archbishop of York Wikipedia globe icon 8 April 2020
  57. Ealdred Wikipedia globe icon 23 September 2020
  58. Jacob Gens Created
  59. Green children of Woolpit - help before FAC
  60. William Cragh - help before FAC
  61. Second Crusade - help at FAR
  62. Penda of Mercia - help at FAR


  1. List of members of the Gregorian mission Created Wikipedia globe icon 3 October 2011
  2. List of Archbishops of Canterbury (save and ongoing maintenance)


  1. Reginald de Warenne Did you know Created
  2. Peter de Maulay Did you know Created
  3. George Wilkes Did you know Created
  4. William Pantulf Did you know Created
  5. Josef Glazman Created
  6. Richard Basset Did you know Created
  7. Ralph Basset Did you know Created
  8. William de Chesney Did you know Created
  9. Liudhard medalet Did you know Created
  10. De Iniusta Vexacione Willelmi Episcopi Primi Did you know Created
  11. Walter de Beauchamp (nobleman) Did you know Created
  12. Ranulf Flambard
  13. Hugh Bardulf Did you know Created
  14. Sybil (wife of Pain fitzJohn) Did you know Created
  15. Poco Pine Did you know Created
  16. Leges Henrici Primi Did you know Created
  17. Burchard du Puiset Did you know Created
  18. Ralph d'Escures
  19. Joe Daniels (horse) Did you know Created
  20. Alan de Neville (forester) Did you know Created
  21. Luke McLuke Did you know Created
  22. Roger de Pont L'Evêque
  23. Hugh Nonant Created
  24. Thurstan
  25. Boniface of Savoy (archbishop)
  26. Oswald of Worcester
  27. Robert of Melun Did you know
  28. Robert de Bethune Did you know Created
  29. Hugh de Puiset
  30. Robert of Ghent Did you know
  31. Josce de Dinan Did you know Created
  32. William de Braose, 2nd Baron Braose Created
  33. William of York
  34. John Peckham
  35. Richard of Dover
  36. Hugh of Wells Did you know Created
  37. John de Breton Did you know Created
  38. Robert Winchelsey
  39. John of Tours
  40. Skipper W Did you know Created
  41. Hervey le Breton
  42. Savaric FitzGeldewin
  43. William T. Porter Did you know Created
  44. Epikleros
  45. Wulfstan II, Archbishop of York
  46. Oda of Canterbury
  47. Horse Vital Articles level 3
  48. Æthelwig Did you know Created
  49. Leofric (bishop)
  50. Berhtwald
  51. Jænberht
  52. Cuthbert of Canterbury
  53. Reginald fitz Jocelin
  54. Wulfred
  55. Æthelhard
  56. Walter de Clare Did you know Created
  57. Nicholas de Sigillo Did you know Created
  58. Baldwin (abbot of Bury St Edmunds) Did you know Created
  59. Robert of Bath Created
  60. Washington Park Race Track
  61. Robert Bloet Did you know
  62. John Joscelyn Did you know Created
  63. John of Tynemouth (canon lawyer) Did you know Created
  64. Tatwine
  65. Æthelnoth (archbishop of Canterbury)
  66. Osbert de Bayeux Did you know Created
  67. Regenbald Did you know Created
  68. Roger Gale (antiquary) Did you know Created
  69. Springbok (horse) Did you know Created
  70. William de Blois (bishop of Lincoln) Did you know Created
  71. Hugh Foliot Did you know Created
  72. Hugh de Mapenor Did you know Created
  73. Plegmund
  74. Pipe rolls Did you know
  75. Richard Swinefield Did you know Created
  76. Robert Foliot Did you know Created
  77. Garrett's Miss Pawhuska Did you know
  78. Ralph de Luffa
  79. Æthelric II
  80. Council of Reims (1148)
  81. Jocelin of Wells
  82. Ælfric of Abingdon
  83. Romanus (Bishop of Rochester)
  84. Honorius of Canterbury
  85. James the Deacon
  86. Peter of Canterbury Did you know
  87. Wighard
  88. Nothhelm
  89. Harry Bassett Did you know Created
  90. Bregowine
  91. Æthelred (bishop)
  92. Simon of Southwell Did you know Created
  93. Walter de Lacy (died 1085) Did you know Created
  94. Gilbert de Lacy Did you know Created
  95. Cynesige
  96. Americus (horse) Did you know Created
  97. William de Chesney (sheriff) Did you know Created
  98. Bosa of York
  99. Germanus of Winchester
  100. Robert of Cricklade Did you know Created
  101. Gervase de Cornhill Did you know Created
  102. Henry de Cornhill (sheriff) Did you know Created
  103. Hugh de Cressy Did you know Created
  104. Osbert fitzHervey Did you know Created
  105. Roger le Poer Did you know
  106. Athelm
  107. Wulfhelm
  108. Ceolnoth
  109. Ecgbert (bishop)
  110. Æthelbert of York
  111. Ranulf de Broc
  112. Gisa (bishop of Wells)
  113. Geoffrey Talbot Did you know Created
  114. William de Warenne (justice) Did you know Created
  115. William Meschin Did you know Created
  116. Clement of Llanthony Did you know Created
  117. Manasser Biset Created
  118. Feologild
  119. Robert fitzRoger Did you know Created
  120. Sibyl of Falaise Created
  121. Roger fitzReinfrid Did you know Created
  122. Dominic of Evesham Did you know Created
  123. Hamo (dean of York) Did you know Created
  124. Alan de Neville (landholder) Did you know Created
  125. William Paynel Did you know Created
  126. Geoffrey Talbot (died 1129) Did you know Created
  127. Frithegod Did you know Created
  128. Philip de Thaun Did you know Created
  129. General Duke (horse) Did you know Created
  130. Roger de Valognes Did you know Created
  131. Zan Parr Bar Did you know Created
  132. John Crakehall Did you know Created
  133. Walter de Gray
  134. Sigeric (archbishop)
  135. Rohese Giffard Did you know Created
  136. Robert of Bridlington Did you know Created
  137. Lyfing (archbishop of Canterbury)
  138. Bartholomew of Exeter
  139. William Ketel Did you know Created
  140. Fenian (horse) Created

For amusement

  • Of the 58 articles I've nominated for FA, 41 are on individual people, 6 are on individual horses, 2 are on horse breeds, 2 are on medieval written works, 2 are on medieval events, 1 is on the Middle Ages as a period of history, 1 is on a medieval tax, 1 is on a medieval battle, 1 is on a modern horse regulation, and 1 is on an antique carousel. Of the individual people - 34 are clerics, and 7 are on layman. Of the 33 clerics, 18 are archbishops, 13 are bishops, 1 was an abbot, and 2 were archdeacons. Of the 18 archbishops, 12 are Archbishops of Canterbury, 4 are Archbishops of York, 1 is an Archbishop of Rouen, and 1 is an Archbishop of Lichfield. Of the laymen, 3 are medieval Norman noblemen, 1 is a medieval English king, 1 is on an American railroad president, 1 is on an American slave trader and forger, and 1 is on a Jewish head of a Nazi-era Ghetto.
  • Of the 140 articles I've nominated for GA (that aren't FAs - 51 of my FA nominations were GAs beforehand), 121 are on individual people and 11 are on individual horses. Of the remainder, 2 are on medieval written works, 1 is on a medieval artifact, 1 is on a medieval church council, 1 is on an ancient Greek institution, 1 is on a medieval administrative document, 1 is on an animal species, and 1 is on a racetrack.

(Note that I don't count in the above either the co-noms that Malleus has graciously included me on nor the rescue work I've done at Featured Article Review.)

The obvious lesson to draw is that I obviously have too much time on my hands.

Articles started




DYK stuffs


Things at DYK


Things to go to DYK


Things at GAN


Things I've nominated at GAN


Things I'm reviewing at GAN


Things I've signed up TO review at GAN


Things close to GA


Bit more work to do


More than halfway

  1. Æthelred the Unready (56 links)
  2. Harold Harefoot (54 links)
  3. Thomas Becket (54 links)
  4. Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (46 links)
  5. Belzec extermination camp (40 links)
  6. Chełmno extermination camp (36 links)
  7. Gas van (31 links)
  8. Sonderkommando (30 links)
  9. Battle of Fulford (26 links)
  10. Odo of Bayeux (23 links)
  11. Hawise, Countess of Aumale (9 links)
  12. Mabel de Bellême (9 links)
  13. Roger de Breteuil, 2nd Earl of Hereford (8 links)
  14. Robert de Comines (9 wikis)
  15. Robert Fitzhamon (9 links)
  16. Adeliza (8 links)
  17. Gerald de Windsor (8 links)
  18. Richard fitz Gilbert (8 wikis)
  19. Renaud de Courtenay (7 links)
  20. Robert de Mowbray (7 links)
  21. Ela of Salisbury, 3rd Countess of Salisbury (6 links)
  22. Robert the Lotharingian (6 links)
  23. Treaty of Alton (6 links)
  24. Cristina (daughter of Edward the Exile) (5 links))
  25. Maud Marshal (5 links)
  26. Osbern FitzOsbern (5 links)
  27. Osbern the Steward (5 links)
  28. Reginald Fitzurse (5 links)
  29. Roger Bigod of Norfolk (5 links)
  30. Simon I de Senlis, Earl of Huntingdon-Northampton (5 links)
  31. William de Tracy (5 links)
  32. Æthelwine (bishop of Durham)
  33. Alan fitz Flaad
  34. Alexander de Stavenby
  35. Alexander of Canterbury
  36. Anchetil de Greye
  37. Ansculf de Picquigny
  38. Aristides (horse)
  39. Baden-Baden (horse)
  40. Brian of Brittany
  41. Bulle Rock
  42. Clay Trotting Horses
  43. Confraternity book
  44. Day Star
  45. Duke of Magenta (horse)
  46. Edith Forne
  47. Emma, abbess of Shaftesbury
  48. Eole (horse)
  49. Eynion de Tilston
  50. Falsetto (horse)
  51. Fonso
  52. Geoffrey de Clinton
  53. Geoffrey de Neville (died 1193)
  54. Gerard la Pucelle
  55. Gilbert fitz Turold
  56. Godfrey Ludham
  57. Godric the Steward
  58. Gundreda de Warenne
  59. Halenald de Bidun
  60. Hamelin de Ballon
  61. Hamon Dentatus
  62. Hanover (horse)
  63. Harold (horse)
  64. Henry de Ferrers
  65. Henry of Essex
  66. Himyar (horse)
  67. Hindoo (horse)
  68. Hugh de Balsham
  69. Hugh de Bocland
  70. Hugh de Mortimer
  71. Hugh de Morville, Lord of Westmorland
  72. Hugh de Port
  73. Humphrey with the Beard
  74. Ida de Tosny
  75. Iroquois (horse)
  76. Isabel de Warenne, Countess of Surrey
  77. Isabel of Conches
  78. Jacobus (horse)
  79. John of Tynemouth (geometer)
  80. Juliane de Fontevrault
  81. Kingfisher (horse)
  82. Knight of Ellerslie
  83. Leamington (horse)
  84. Leonatus
  85. Lexington (horse)
  86. Lord Murphy
  87. Lucy of Bolingbroke
  88. Mabel FitzRobert, Countess of Gloucester
  89. Margaret Peverell, Countess of Derby
  90. Mary of Shaftesbury
  91. Matilda de Percy
  92. Michael Belet (senior)
  93. Miles Crispin
  94. Miles of Gloucester, 1st Earl of Hereford
  95. Montrose (horse)
  96. Nicholas Farnham
  97. Nigel D'Oyly
  98. Osbern FitzOsbern
  99. Osbern Giffard
  100. Oscytel
  101. Parole (horse)
  102. Peter of Aigueblanche
  103. Petronilla de Grandmesnil, Countess of Leicester
  104. Philip de Harcourt
  105. Ralph de Limesy
  106. Ralph de Pomeroy
  107. Ralph of Maidstone
  108. Ralph the Staller
  109. Ranulf (chancellor)
  110. Ranulf of Wareham
  111. Richard de Capella
  112. Richard de Grenville
  113. Richard de Morins
  114. Richard Fitz Pons
  115. Richard Fitz Turold
  116. Richard le Breton
  117. Richard Lovett (Seigneur)
  118. Robert Bastard
  119. Robert D'Oyly (Osney)
  120. Robert D'Oyly
  121. Robert de Chauncy
  122. Robert de Sigello
  123. Robert de Stafford
  124. Robert FitzWimarc
  125. Robert of Aumale
  126. Robert Passelewe
  127. Robert Warelwast
  128. Roger d'Ivry
  129. Roger de Bailleul
  130. Roger de Beler
  131. Roger de Busli
  132. Roger de Clinton
  133. Roger I of Tosny
  134. Roger of Hereford
  135. Ruthless (horse)
  136. Seffrid I
  137. Seffrid II
  138. Serlo (abbot of Gloucester)
  139. Silvester de Everdon
  140. Simon Langton (priest)
  141. Simon of Apulia
  142. Simon of Wells
  143. Spendthrift (horse)
  144. Ten Broeck (horse)
  145. The Bard (American horse)
  146. Theobald FitzBerner
  147. Trial of Penenden Heath
  148. Turstin FitzRolf
  149. Vagrant (horse)
  150. Virgil (horse)
  151. Wadard
  152. Waleran the Hunter
  153. Walter de Claville
  154. Walter FitzOther
  155. Walter Giffard, Lord of Longueville
  156. Walter Giffard
  157. Walter Mauclerk
  158. Walter of Douai
  159. Walter of Kirkham
  160. Walter of Lorraine
  161. Walter Tirel
  162. Waltheof of Melrose
  163. William Bigod
  164. William Briwere
  165. William Cheever
  166. William de Falaise
  167. William de Moyon
  168. William de Raley
  169. William de Vesci
  170. William Devereux
  171. William Fitz-Ansculf
  172. William Malet (companion of William the Conqueror)
  173. William of March
  174. William of St. Barbara
  175. Wynebald de Ballon

To work through

  1. User:Ealdgyth/2022 Wikicup/Medieval secular people
  2. User:Ealdgyth/2022 Wikicup/Medieval family connections
  3. User:Ealdgyth/2022 Wikicup/Medieval clergy

To deal with later

  1. Osbern fitzRichard Talk:Osbern fitzRichard/GA1

Bad Ealdgyth, no biscuit


Things at FAC (aka reviews)




Core Contest




Cleanup projects






OR fest


Coats of arms












Medieval barons, etc






High priority stuff










More stuff to fix up


Lists, templates, etc


Things to work from


Process, wonkery, and all that fun stuff








Holocaust articles




Problem children


Cleanups and other alerts



Name Begin date End date Start work diff Start work status Current article status Goal Pageviews avg last 90 days
Cnut the Great 1018 1035 Start B FA 2000ish
Harold Harefoot 1035 1040 Start B FA 450ish
Harthacnut 1040 1042 Start B FA 650ish
Edward the Confessor 1042 1066 Start B FA 1800ish
Harold Godwinson 1066 1066 Start B FA 1800ish
Edgar the Ætheling 1066 1066 Start Start GA 200ish
William the Conqueror 1066 1087 Start FA FA 5000ish
William II of England 1087 1100 Start B FA 800ish
Henry I of England 1100 1135 Start FA FA 2000ish
Stephen, King of England 1135 1154 (NA) Start FA FA 1400ish
Empress Matilda 1135 1145 Start FA FA 1400ish
Henry II of England 1154 1189 (NA) Start GA FA 3100ish
Richard I of England 1189 1199 (NA) B B FA 3500ish
John, King of England 1199 1216 (NA) Start FA FA 3200ish
Henry III of England 1216 1272 Start FA FA 2100ish
Edward I of England 1272 1307 (NA) B GA FA 3700ish

Horse projects


American TB titles


Arabian articles to do


Quarter Horse articles to do


Paint articles to do






Other ecclesiastical things


Various ecclesiastical people


Abbeys, Priories, Abbots, Priors, and other ecclesiastical offices


Medieval chroniclers and other writers


Medieval writings and manuscripts


Misc medieval history stuff


Possibly missing children, etc


Other history, not medieval




Succession of dioceses

Name of constituent see Became this see When
Wells Bath
Selsey Chichester
Mercia Coventry
Lichfield Coventry
Chester Coventry
Lindisfarne Durham
Cornwall Exeter
Tawton Exeter
Crediton Exeter
Lindsey Lincoln
East Angles Norwich
Elmham Norwich
Sherborne Salisbury
Sarum (Old Sarum) Salisbury
Hexham York
Ramsbury Salisbury
Dorchester Lincoln
Leicester Lincoln
Ripon Lincoln

Figure out which is correct See of X or Diocese of X, and make sure all bishoprics conform and have articles.

Big table 'o Dioceses

All bishops to 1500 created All bishops to 1500 persondata, wiki stuff All bishops to 1300 weblinked All bishops to 1500 format tweaked All bishops to 1300 book cited All bishops to 1500 succ. box updated All bishops to 1500 replace Handbook & Heads All bishops to 1500 names double checked vs Handbook
Archbishop of Canterbury done done done done done done done done
Archbishop of York done done done done done done done done
Bishop of Bath and Wells done done done done done done done done
Bishop of Carlisle done done done done done done done done
Bishop of Chichester done done done done done done done done
Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield done done done done done done done done
Bishop of Durham done done done done done done done done
Bishop of Ely done done done done done done done done
Bishop of Exeter done done done done done done done done
Bishop of Hereford done done done done done done done done
BIshop of Lincoln done done done done done done done
Bishop of London done done done done done done done
Bishop of Norwich done done done done done done done
Bishop of Rochester done done done done done done done
Bishop of Salisbury done done done done done done done
Bishop of Winchester done done done done done done done
Bishop of Worcester done done done done done done done
Bishop of Hexham done done done done done done done
Bishop of Ramsbury (ancient) done done done done done done done
Bishop of Lindisfarne (Saxon) done done done done done done done
Bishop of Cornwall done done done done done
Bishop of Dorchester (historic) done done done done done
Bishop of Lindsey done done done done done
Bishop of Leicester done done done done done
Bishop of Crediton done done done done done
Bishop of Selsey done done done done done
Bishop of Sherborne done done done done done
Bishop of Dunwich (ancient) done done done done MISSING
Bishop of Elmham done done done done MISSING
Bishop of Thetford done done done done done
Bishop of Sodor and Man
Bishop of Bangor
Bishop of Llandaff
Bishop of St Asaph
Bishop of St David's
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Rouen
Roman Catholic Diocese of Bayeux
Roman Catholic Diocese of Coutances
Roman Catholic Diocese of Évreux
Roman Catholic Diocese of Lisieux
Roman Catholic Diocese of Séez

Templates, links, etc.

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Useful references I'm always using
