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Note: The full collection of World History Maps by Thomas Lessman is available at www.WorldHistoryMaps.info.
World History Maps by Thomas Lessman
Here is the gallery of World History Maps I've created and uploaded to Wikimedia:

East Hemisphere in 1300 BC
East Hemisphere in 1000 BC
East Hemisphere in 600 BC
East Hemisphere in 500 BC
East Hemisphere in 400 BC
East Hemisphere in 323 BC
East Hemisphere in 200 BC
East Hemisphere in 100 BC.
East Hemisphere in 050 BC.
East Hemisphere in 001 AD.
East Hemisphere in 050 AD.
East Hemisphere in 100 AD.
East Hemisphere in 200 AD.
East Hemisphere in 300 AD.
East Hemisphere in 400 AD.
East Hemisphere in 475 AD.
East Hemisphere in 476 AD.
East Hemisphere in 477 AD.
East Hemisphere in 500 AD.
East Hemisphere in 565 AD.
East Hemisphere in 600 AD.
East Hemisphere in 700 AD.
East Hemisphere in 800 AD.
East Hemisphere in 900 AD.
East Hemisphere in 1025 AD.
East Hemisphere in 1100 AD.
East Hemisphere in 1200 AD.

Specialized Historical Maps

  • (This section is under construction!)

Hittite Empire in 1300 BC
Roman Republic in 200 BC
Parthian Empire in 001 AD
Roman Empire in 477 AD
Odoacer's Kingdom of Italy in 480 AD
Amorica (Brittany) in 500 AD
Kushano-Hephthalites in 565 AD
Roman Empire in 565 AD
Sassanid Persian Empire in 600 AD
Tibetan Empire in 700 AD
Bulgarian Empire in 800 AD
Tibetan Empire in 800 AD



I have no bias towards or against any nations. If you see a possible error, it was an honest mistake! I do the best I can with the information I have.

I don't make any claims of perfection in these maps! Keep in mind that source information is often incomplete or conflicts with other sources. I do the best I can with the information that is available to me. Constructive feedback is appreciated (especially if it helps improve the maps!). Most feedback has been positive and helpful. A few people have complained about the maps, saying they are sub-par or even worthless. To those who complain about them? Either help improve them or try to do better!

Each map's homepage has a File History section, which contains a list of previous versions of the map. When I get enough feedback, I update the maps with corrections and upload the new versions to Wikipedia. To report any potential errors, or if you are interested in helping this project, please see my Corrections & Project Help section.

Corrections and Project Help


Several new maps are currently under construction, and corrections are also being made to some existing maps. All will be available at www.WorldHistoryMaps.info when they are complete.
You can help! Please email me, Thomas Lessman, at talessmanyis.us.

REQUIRED: I can ONLY make corrections if If IF you provide the following information:

1. Brief description of error (BEST way: copy the map to your computer, use a program like GIMP, PhotoShop, or Paint Shop Pro to draw the correct borders, and send me the new map.)
2. Your source information, so I can see the information directly and add it to the list of sources for each map. NO SOURCES = NO CHANGE. Period. I simply CANNOT make any changes without source information to justify the change. Please and Thank You!

I appreciate all help and feedback about these maps, especially if it helps improve them! I'm always happy to give credit to those who help, unless they prefer to remain anonymous. Thank you in advance!

My Primary Sources

My blank map template is based on this topographic map, which I pieced together using Adobe PhotoShop. I've made the blank map available on my website (Shortcut: blank-East-Hem.jpg).

The primary sources for the information I included in these maps include (but are not limited to) the following sources:

1. Regnal Chronologies by Bruce Gordon,

2. Maps of European History from www.Euratlas.com

  • (Please note: Bogomolov.PL has done a great job of showing me possible discrepancies in my north European borders compared to this source, due to the differences in the geographical layout of the maps. I will be fixing my maps as soon as I can figure out how Bogomolov was able to reshape the Euratlas map and my map to the same shape.)

3. Wikimedia maps of World History, created by User:Briangotts and User:Javierfv1212.

4. Early British Kingdoms maps of British history, available at www.EarlyBritishKingdoms.com.

5. Columbia University's "Maps of South Asia: an organized collection".

6. DK Atlas of World History, 2000 print edition.

7. Frank Smith's Macrohistory and World Report, available at www.fsmitha.com. (Mostly used for info about various Asian nations).

8. Friesian School of Philosophical History, available at www.friesian.com/histindx.htm

9. University of Texas Historical Map Resources, available on the University of Texas website.

10. World History Maps.com

  • (Please note: some of the information in their maps conflicts with information in my maps. I'm not sure what their sources are.)

11. Huhai.net maps of Asian and Chinese History .

12. Maps of Korean History by User:Historiographer.

  • (Please note: You may notice a difference between my Korean borders and the borders depicted in Historiographer's maps. His source info on Korea is probably more complete than mine, and my East-Hem maps will being updated with this info soon.)

13. Various Wikipedia articles provided some information that I used in these maps.

14. Also several people have sent me information to help correct minor errors or add missing information.

Wikipedians who have helped me make map corrections include: Quantum cyborg, Briangotts, Cplakidas, Gantuya eng, Bogomolov.PL, User:Javierfv1212, and User:Historiographer especially have contributed to the development of these maps, either by directly sending me information or by making their own maps available for reference.
  • There is a more specific Map Source References section available on each map's homepage. Unfortunately I did a better job on the actual maps than I did on keeping track of my sources for their info. I'm not sure yet how to best document and present that source information but I am working on it! Just another part of the project...