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The work of mathematicians in physics and experimental labs

I am especially interested in a course in a well-known and renowned experimental physics laboratory. When applying, among the questions they expect you to answer, they ask how I think my knowledge ...
IAG's user avatar
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How do I apply for a PhD in physics in France? [duplicate]

I am currently a master student in physics in my last year and am thinking about doing my PhD in France. The application process seems to be quite different from my home country and I can't find any ...
KondoEffect's user avatar
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Emailing physics department professors for a PhD position in condensed matter/ atomic and optical physics

I am currently working in the field of my undergrad study in "computational systems and microelectronics". I have pursued my graduate masters project in Quantum Transport which have gotten ...
TheSprintingEngineer's user avatar
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Is it possible to get into a good PhD program with little research experience? [duplicate]

A little bit background. I am a junior physics student in US and want to get into an US PhD program. I am interest in theoretical high energy physics. My background is not bad. I have self-learnt some ...
gshxd's user avatar
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Enquiring graduate admission on status of PhD application [duplicate]

The physics PhD program at the American school I am applying to has offered early admissions, and would evaluate PhD applicants whose admission forms are completed by October 17th for Preliminary ...
TheSprintingEngineer's user avatar
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How big of a deal for seeking a PhD is it, if one is not allowed to disclose details of his master thesis?

My masters program is in physics. I already have quite some research experience, but almost exclusively in the R&D department of two well known companies. Therefore neither my bachelor thesis nor ...
asker1924's user avatar
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Poor College Grade on Statement of Purpose (SoP)?

I am applying to master's courses in theoretical physics. I see that good grades, especially in foundational courses, are important when it comes to having a good application. I have had good to great ...
CondensedChatter's user avatar
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Am I in a position to do a PhD? [closed]

I’m a physics student in the UK who should be on track for a first (nothing incredible, but not scraping either) at one of the top institutions in the country, for my undergrad, which is an integrated ...
FizzKicks's user avatar
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Are my chances of getting into a PhD program better if I do not need funding?

I searched the site and couldn't find any information on this topic so I thought I would ask myself. I have been at work for quite a while now and am fortunate that they have offered to support me ...
NassNass's user avatar
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How can I use my mathematical background when applying to physics PhD program?

I am a senior undergraduate and I am in the process of applying to physics graduate programs in the US. Through my course of study, I've been excited about the interplay between physics and ...
Hyeongmuk LIM's user avatar
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Is it okay to ask a supervisor for the email addresses of their current students?

I am doing an integrated Masters course as part of my undergraduate degree, and we have been asked to select the top 6 projects from a list of ~40 projects. We will then be allocated projects (and ...
Harrison's user avatar
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Best way to apply for position as a teaching assistant

Soon, I'll start my last year of undergraduate studies in physics. At my university it is possible (but not too common for undergraduates) to be employed as a teaching assistant for a first year's ...
Flickboy's user avatar
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PhD offer - Making decisions on right PhD [closed]

I hope everyone is well. I would like some advice about accepting PhD offers/waiting for the 'perfect' phd. I don't want to over-explain my situation, but I think the background is important, as I am ...
user124115's user avatar
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Grad School application that's submitted early with a decent LOR vs Application that's submitted rather late but with a better LOR

I am a final year bachelor's student in physics and I am applying to masters programs in physics, in the UK. The places I am applying to have a rolling admissions process and I wanted to submit my ...
newtothis's user avatar
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Applying for a postdoc. Should I mention that I completed my PhD with no supervision?

I'm hopefully in the last half a year or so of my Ph.D. in a subfield of mathematics/theoretical physics and am considering applying for a postdoc within the next three months. My supervisor works (...
Meths's user avatar
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