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Questions tagged [physics]

On standards or conventions specific to physics as an academic discipline, and programs that lead to a degree in this field. For regular physics questions, visit our sister site Physics Stack Exchange.

-4 votes
1 answer

General Relativity Book Publication [closed]

I am writing a general relativity book for the high school grads and above. I expect my readers to have basics of calculus and vectors and Newtonian Mechanics - I am covering the necessary Special ...
Nayeem1's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Can I arxive a paper that I had already published in a journal(EPL, in my case), so that eveyone can access it?

It's been a couple of years that the paper was published in EPL. But uploading it to arXiv will make it accessible even for normal people without any institution access. I don't know about any rules ...
souraj ghosh's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

1960s Stylesheet/Format for working Physics problems

One of my Physics professors once mentioned that he took a semester-long Physics class that was all about formatting work in the correct way: The problems were done on graph/grid paper, and all of the ...
Travis's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Where to donate foreign-language academic books?

After the death of a professor relative, my family on the East Coast has a collection of several hundred Russian-language technical books in physics, math, and hydrology. These were carefully selected ...
perigon's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Publishing extension work for a previous research (in Chemical physics)

I did a project a while back, publishing molecular properties in lengthy tables (paper A). A few years down the line, others used the data in new constructive ways, to obtain insights which were ...
SleepyBug's user avatar
0 votes
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Seeking Tools for Efficient Illustration Design in Physics Book Project

One of my friends intends to write a book related to the field of physics. I have been assigned to design illustrations similar to the images below for his book. The total number of these ...
MostafaJN1426's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Forced to Leave Physics PhD Program - How to Salvage Academic Career?

I started my physics PhD program several years ago at a top-ten institute in the U.S. Recently, my supervisor informed me that he believes my talents and interests are not well-aligned with the ...
pcc's user avatar
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0 votes
6 answers

Is it normal for journal reviewers to reject submissions based on non-scientific reasoning? [closed]

Is it normal for reviewers to use nonfactual statements as reasons to reject journal submissions? Here, nonfactual statements will be defined as statements that are in contradiction with verified ...
ScienceIsNotOpinion's user avatar
18 votes
10 answers

What are good reasons for declining to referee a manuscript that hasn't been posted on arXiv?

This question is inspired by the comments under this answer, specifically the points raised by user TimRias. The discussion was about a paper submitted to Physical Review D (PRD), a journal covering ...
Anyon's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

Is it possible to complete a Phd on your own?

Suppose you can't ask for anyone's help with anything at all in your research, but you'll be able to get any online/offline book/material and funds you want to study.You have been given a topic to ...
Amit Rai's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

What does "recommended" mean for a subject GRE?

There are a few institutions in the US that seem to "recommend" the subject GRE but do not make it mandatory. For instance, the Cornell Physics Department says: The general GRE and the ...
ShKol's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

How to find gaps in mathematics/theoretical physics/mathematical physics ? How to proceed after that? (Undergraduate research and Publications) [closed]

How to find gaps in mathematics/theoretical physics/mathematical physics? I am interested to do independent research in physics though a purely mathematical/theoretical (pen and paper) approach with ...
Sayantika Bose's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Is it appropriate to award points for this answer? (experimental physics)

The experiment in question asks the student to take several measurements for the period with different pendulum lengths.* Then it asks the student to pick a length, with justification, before ...
Allure's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Statement of Contribution in Dissertation

I'm currently writing my PhD dissertation and I need to fill out the statement of declaration page. This page declares my contribution to my published papers, which are coauthored with my supervisor ...
mathemania's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Will submitting an overly long article decrease my chance of acceptance? [closed]

After several months of work, I have almost finished a paper about an alternative axiomatization of quantum mechanics. The work is linked to the quantum reconstruction program. The problem is that the ...
PFerro's user avatar
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