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This user has currently been nominated for an Administrator position.
Please vote for the nominees at this page.
This user holds strong opinions on some of today's most controversial topics.
 Read this user's opinion page for more details.


News Briefs host, part of the Audio Wikinews subproject.


  • Voicemail: (206)-203-3152
  • Fax: (206)-203-3152
  • ICQ: 221782194
  • Skype: MrMiscellanious
  • Email:

Name Preference

Some people like to refer to him as "Mr. Misc." (or similar) for short, however he prefers MrM or simply mrm. If the first letter is capitalized, the third letter must be as well (something he really wishes he'd have known pre-joining Wikipedia). Non-capitilization of all leters is also preferred.


Citizen of the US
Citizen of the US

Articles I've written or contributed to


Items in bold are some of my original works.

Audio Wikinews Releases


Below is a list of my Audio Wikinews releases.

  • News Briefs for