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Welcome to my Wikipage!

Luca Zavanella

My own home page

My pages are GUARANTEED free from supernatural and mystical elements.

Italian born, active in machine vision since 1985, designed an early smart camera in 1985.

You may pop at my page if you are interested in:
- machine vision and smart cameras
- desert and offroad touring with a heavy bike (BMWR100GS, twin, 2 valves boxer)
- mind and consciousness sciences, philosophy of science, cosmology and physics (all of which I know very little about...)
- Brigata Paracadutisti Folgore

Please feel free to send me comments and suggestions about my page or my minor contributions to Wikipedia:

Started articles: Telecentric

Contributions: Machine vision, EPR paradox, Smart camera, Folgore

--Zava 09:51, 14 December 2005 (UTC)