Arsenius the Great

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Arsenius, flee from people and you shall be saved.

Arsenius the Great was a Roman imperial tutor who became an anchorite in Egypt, one of the most highly regarded of the Desert Fathers.


Wortley, John (2014). Give Me a Word: The Alphabetical Sayings of the Desert Fathers. Yonkers, New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press. ISBN 978-0-88141-497-4. 
  • When Abba Arsenius was still in the palace, he prayed to God saying: “Lord, guide me as to how I can be saved,”
    and there came to him a voice saying: “Arsenius, flee from people and you shall be saved.
    • Saying 1
  • When the same [person] had retired into the solitary life he prayed again, offering the same prayer, and he heard a voice saying to him: “Arsenius, take flight, keep silent and maintain hesychia, for these are the roots of sinlessness.
    • Saying 2
  • A brother asked Abba Arsenius if he could hear a saying from him.
    The elder said to him: “As much as you are able, strive so that what goes on inside you be godly and you conquer your external passions.”
    • Saying 9
  • Abba Mark said to Abba Arsenius: “Why do you run away from us?”
    The elder said to him: “God knows that I love you, but I cannot be with God and with people. The thousands and tens of thousands above have one will, but people have many wills, so I cannot forsake God and come among people.”
  • Saying 13
  • A brother went to the cell of Abba Arsenius at Scete and, looking through the window, saw the elder as though he were all fire, for the brother was worthy to see [this.]
    When he knocked, the elder came out and saw the brother looking astounded. “Have you been knocking for long?” he said to him.
    “You didn’t see anything here?”
    but he said: “No.”
    The elder conversed with him and sent him on his way.
    • Saying 27
  • They also used to say of him that on Saturday night when Sunday was about to dawn he used to put the sun behind him and stretch out his hands to heaven, praying until the sun shone on his face; and then he would sit down.
    • Saying 30
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