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Mark Goyder

From Wikiquote
Mark Goyder receiving honorary doctorate at UEA (2019)

Mark Goyder (born 1953) is a published British author, governance expert and award winning public speaker who is known for his work in the fields of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, stewardship and sustainability.


  • Governance and leadership are the yin and the yang of successful organisations. If you have leadership without governance you risk tyranny, fraud and personal fiefdoms. If you have governance without leadership you risk atrophy, bureaucracy and indifference.
  • The company is a living system. Employees are its lifeblood. Strategy is the brain and measurement and communication the central nervous system. Culture is the DNA. Leadership and continued entrepreneurial energy are its soul and spirit. Governance and accountability are its rhythms and disciplines, like exercise, a means of keeping this living organism fit and lean. Leadership gives a company energy. Governance assures its honesty.**

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