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Mary Pickford

Wikipedia, Entziklopedia askea
Mary Pickford

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakGladys Louise Smith
JaiotzaToronto1892ko apirilaren 8a
Herrialdea Kanada
Lehen hizkuntzaingelesa
HeriotzaSanta Monica1979ko maiatzaren 29a (87 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaForest Lawn Memorial Park
Heriotza moduaberezko heriotza: garuneko odoljarioa
AitaJohn Charles Smith
AmaCharlotte Hennessy
Ezkontidea(k)Owen Moore  (1911ko urtarrilaren 7a -  1920ko martxoaren 2a)
Douglas Fairbanks  (1920ko martxoaren 28a -  1936ko urtarrilaren 10a)
Charles Rogers  (1937ko ekainaren 24a -  1979ko maiatzaren 29a)
Jarduerakzinema ekoizlea, zinema aktorea, film-zuzendaria, gidoilaria, idazlea, antzerki aktorea, aktorea eta produktorea
Lantokia(k)Ameriketako Estatu Batuak eta Kanada
Jasotako sariak
Izengoitia(k)Mary Pickford
Sinesmenak eta ideologia
Christian Science (en) Itzuli
Alderdi politikoa Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Alderdi Errepublikanoa

IMDB: nm0681933 Allocine: 9040 Rottentomatoes: celebrity/mary_pickford Allmovie: p56706 TCM: 152222 people/mary-pickford IBDB: 56170
Last fm: Mary+Pickford Musicbrainz: 9f5cc05b-4a3f-4e7e-a9ad-bfc710d4a0a1 Discogs: 1297606 Find a Grave: 813 Edit the value on Wikidata

Mary Pickford (Toronto, 1892ko apirilaren 8a - Santa Monica, 1979ko maiatzaren 29a) Gladys Louise Smith jatorrizko izen-deiturekin Kanadan jaiotako aktorea izan zen, Oscar sariaren irabazlea eta United Artists estudioaren fundatzailea. Aurreko Hollywoodeko aitzindarietakoa zen, eta berebiziko garrantzia izan zuen hurrengo film-aktoreengan. Mutu zinemako izar eta ekoizle handiena izanda, bere kontratuak Hollywoodeko industriari forma eman zion.[1]

Mary Pickford

Aktoreen familia txiro batean jaioa, 1907an Broadwayera joan zen lan egitera. Hor, izen artistikoa hartu zuen. Porrot eginez gero, aktore izateari uzteko asmoa zuen Mary Pickfordek. Hala ere, 1909an D. W. Griffith zinema zuzendariak proba bat egin zion, eta liluraturik geratu zen Pickforden antzezteko era benetako errazaren aurrean. Izugarrizko kontratua luzatu zion, egunero 10 dolar kobratuko zituelako,(arruntena erdia zen). Berehala, Pickforden goxotasunak nickelodeon garaiko aktorerik garrantzitsuena bihurtu zuen.

Eguzkiaren bila 1910ean mendebaldera joanda, Hollywoodeko emakumezko izarrik handiena bilakatu zen, bere filmak ekoizteko eta banaketa ikuskatzeko eskubidea ere lortuz. Urteko miloi dolar jasotzeko lehen emakumea izan zen (lehen gizona Charlie Chaplin zen). 52 filmetan parte hartu ostean, soinudun zinemaren etorrerarekin itzali zen Pickforden izarra. Coquette filmarengatik Oscar saria lortu bazuen ere, bere benetako adina zuten pertsonaiak arbuiatzen zituzten ikusleek. 1933an aktore izateari utzi zion, baina ez zen zinemagintzatik erretiratu, besteen filmak ekoizten jarraitu baitzuen.

Film laburrak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]

1. The Violin Maker of Cremona. 1909-07-06.

2. The Lonely Villa. 1909-10-06.

3. The Son's Return. 1909-14-06.

4. Faded Lilies. 1909-14-06.

5. Her First Biscuits. 1909-17-06.

6. The Peach-Basket Hat. 1909-24-06.

7. The Way of Man. 1909-28-06.

8. The Necklace. 1909-01-07.

9. The Country Doctor. 1909-08-07.

10. The Cardinal's Conspiracy. 1909-12-07.

11. The Renunciation. 1909-19-07.

12. Sweet and Twenty. 1909-22-07.

13. The Slave. 1909-29-07.

14. A Strange Meeting. 1909-02-08.

15. They Would Elope. 1909-09-08.

16. His Wife's Visitor. 1909-19-08.

17. The Indian Runner's Romance. 1909-23-08.

18. Oh, Uncle! 1909-26-08.

19. The Seventh Day. 1909-26-08.

20. The Little Darling. 1909-02-09.

21. The Sealed Room. 1909-02-09.

22. 1776 or The Hessian Renegades. 1909-06-09.

23. Getting Even. 1909-13-09.

24. The Broken Locket. 1909-16-09.

25. In Old Kentucky. 1909-20-09.

26. The Awakening. 1909-30-09.

27. The Little Teacher. 1909-11-10.

28. His Lost Love. 1909-18-10.

29. In the Watches of the Night. 1909-25-10.

30. What's Your Hurry? 1909-01-11.

31. The Gibson Goddess. 1909-02-11.

32. The Restoration. 1909-08-11.

33. The Light That Came. 1909-11-11.

34. A Midnight Adventure. 1909-18-11.

35. The Mountaineer's Honor. 1909-25-11.

36. The Trick That Failed. 1909-29-11.

37. The Test. 1909-16-12.

38. To Save Her Soul. 1909-27-12.

39. All on Account of the Milk. 1910-15-01.

40. The Woman From Mellon's. 1910-03-02

41. The Englishman and the Girl. 1910-17-02.

42. The Newlyweds. 1910-03-03.

43. The Thread of Destiny. 1910-07-03.

44. The Twisted Trail. 1910-24-03.

45. The Smoker. 1910-31-03.

46. As It Is In Life. 1910-04-04.

47. A Rich Revenge. 1910-07-04.

48. A Romance of the Western Hills. 1910-11-04.

49. The Unchanging Sea. 1910-05-05.

50. Love Among the Roses. 1910-09-05.

51. The Two Brothers. 1910-14-05.

52. Ramona 1910-23-05.

53. In the Season of Buds. 1910-02-06.

54. A Victim of Jealousy. 1910-09-06.

55. A Child's Impulse. 1910-27-06.

56. May and December. 1910-30-06.

57. Muggsy's First Sweetheart. 1910-30-06.

58. Never Again! 1910-30-06.

59. What the Daisy Said. 1910-11-07.

60. The Call to Arms. 1910-25-07.

61. An Arcadian Maid. 1910-01-08.

62. When We Were In Our 'Teens. 1910-15-08.

63. The Sorrows of the Unfaithful. 1910-22-08.

64. Wilful Peggy. 1910-25-08.

65. Muggsy Becomes a Hero. 1910-01-09.

66. A Gold Necklace. 1910-06-10.

67. The Masher. 1910-13-10.

68. A Lucky Toothache. 1910-14-10.

69. Waiter No. 5. 1910-05-11.

70. Simple Charity. 1910-14-11.

71. Song of the Wildwood Flute. 1910-21-11.

72. A Plain Song. 1910-28-11.

73. White Roses. 1910-22-12.

74. When A Man Loves. 1911-05-01.

75. The Italian Barber. 1911-09-01.

76. Three Sisters. 1911-02-02.

77. A Decree of Destiny. 1911-06-03.

78. Their First Misunderstanding. 1911-09-01.

79. The Dream. 1911-23-01.

80. Maid or Man. 1911-30-01.

81. At the Duke's Command. 1911-06-02.

82. The Mirror. 1911-09-02.

83. While The Cat's Away. 1911-09-02.

84. Her Darkest Hour. 1911-13-02.

85. Artful Kate. 1911-23-02.

86. A Manly Man. 1911-27-02.

87. The Message in the Bottle. 1911-09-03.

88. The Fisher-Maid. 1911-16-03.

89. In Old Madrid. 1911-20-03.

90. Sweet Memories. 1911-27-03.

91. The Stampede. 1911-17-04.

92. Second Sight. 1911-01-05.

93. The Fair Dentist. 1911-08-05.

94. For Her Brother's Sake. 1911-11-05.

95. The Master and the Man. 1911-15-05.

96. The Lighthouse Keeper. 1911-18-05.

97. Back to the Soil. 1911-08-06.

98. In the Sultan's Garden. 1911-03-07.

99. For the Queen's Honor. 1911-06-07.

100. A Gasoline Engagement. 1911-10-07.

101. At a Quarter of Two. 1911-13-07.

102. Science. 1911-24-07.

103. The Skating Bug. 1911-31-07.

104. The Call of the Song. 1911-13-08.

105. The Toss of a Coin. 1911-31-08.

106. 'Tween Two Loves. 1911-28-09.

107. The Rose's Story. 1911-02-10.

108. The Sentinel Asleep. 1911-09-10.

109. The Better Way. 1911-12-10.

110. His Dress Shirt. 1911-30-10.

111. From the Bottom of the Sea. 1911-20-11

112. The Courting of Mary. 1911-26-11.

113. Love Heeds Not the Showers. 1911-03-12.

114. Little Red Riding Hood. 1911-17-12.

115. The Caddy's Dream. 1911-31-12.

116. Honor Thy Father. 1912-09-02.

117. The Mender of Nets. 1912-15-02.

118. Iola's Promise. 1912-14-03.

119. Fate's Interception. 1912-08-04.

120. The Female of the Species. 1912-15-04.

121. Just Like a Woman. 1912-18-04.

122. Won By a Fish. 1912-22-04.

123. The Old Actor. 1912-06-05.

124. A Lodging for the Night. 1912-09-05.

125. A Beast at Bay. 1912-27-05.

126. Home Folks. 1912-06-06.

127. Lena and the Geese. 1912-17-06.

128. The School Teacher and the Waif. 1912-27-06.

129. An Indian Summer. 1912-08-07.

130. The Narrow Road. 1912-01-08.

131. The Inner Circle. 1912-12-08.

132. With the Enemy's Help. 1912-19-08.

133. A Pueblo Legend. 1912-29-08.

134. Friends. 1912-23-09.

135. So Near, Yet So Far. 1912-30-09.

136. A Feud in the Kentucky Hills. 1912-03-10.

137. The One She Loved. 1912-21-10.

138. My Baby. 1912-14-11.

139. The Informer. 1912-21-11.

140. The New York Hat. 1912-06-12.

141. The Unwelcome Guest. 1913-15-03.

1. In the Bishop's Carriage. 1913-10-09.

2. Caprice. 1913-10-11.

3. Hearts Adrift. 1914-10-02.

4. A Good Little Devil. 1914-01-03.

5. Tess of the Storm Country. 1914-30-03.

6. The Eagle's Mate. 1914-01-07.

7. Such a Little Queen. 1914-21-09.

8. Behind the Scenes. 1914-26-08.

9. Cinderella. 1914-28-12.

10. Mistress Nell. 1915-01-02.

11. Fanchon, The Cricke.t 1915-10-05.

12. The Dawn of a Tomorrow. 1915-07-06.

13. Little Pal. 1915-01-07.

14. Rags. 1915-02-08.

15. Esmeralda. 1915-06-09.

16. A Girl of Yesterday. 1915-07-10.

17. Madame Butterfly. 1915-08-11.

18. The Foundling. 1916-02-01.

19. Poor Little Peppina. 1916-02-03.

20. The Eternal Grind. 1916-17-04.

21. Hulda From Holland. 1916-31-07.

22. Less Than the Dust. 1916-02-11.

23. The Pride of the Clan. 1917-08-01.

24. The Poor Little Rich Girl. 1917-05-03.

25. A Romance of the Redwoods. 1917-14-05.

26. The Little American. 1917-02-07.

27. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. 1917-03-09.

28. The Little Princess. 1917-12-11.

29. Stella Maris. 1918-21-01.

30. Amarilly of Clothes-line Alley. 1918-10-03.

31. M'Liss. 1918-12-05.

32. How Could You, Jean? 1918-23-06.

33. Johanna Enlists 5 reels. 1918-15-09.

34. Captain Kidd, Jr. 1919-21-04.

35. Daddy-Long-Legs. 1919-12-05.

36. The Hoodlum. 1919-01-09.

37. The Heart o' the Hills. 1919-01-12.

38. Pollyanna. 1920-18-01.

39. Suds. 1920-27-06.

40. The Love Light. 1921-09-01.

41. Through the Back Door. 1921-17-05.

42. Little Lord Fauntleroy. 1921-16-09.

43. Tess of the Storm Country. 1922-12-11.

44. Rosita. 1923-03-09.

45. Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall. 1924-25-05.

46. Little Annie Rooney. 1925-18-09.

47. Sparrows. 1926-26-09.

48. My Best Girl. 1927-13-11.

Soinudun filmak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]

49. Coquette 1929-30-03.

50. The Taming of the Shrew 1929-26-10.

51. Kiki 1931-14-03.

52. Secrets 1933-16-03.

Irudi galeria

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]


[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
  1. «Mary Pickford» IMDb (Noiz kontsultatua: 2022-07-10).

Kanpo estekak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]