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Nevil Shute

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Nevil Shute Norway
Nevil Shute
Profesiono: skriptisto ed injenioro
Lando: Unionita Rejio
Naskodato: 17 di januaro 1899
Nasko-loko: London, Anglia
Mortodato: 12 di januaro 1960
Morto-loko: Melbourne, Australia

Nevil Shute, naskinta Nevil Shute Norway (1899 til 1960) esis Britanian-Australiana skriptisto ed injenioro. Il uzis lua kompleta nomo nur en lua kariero kom injenioro.

  • Stephen Morris and Pilotage (1923, publikigita en 1961, pos lua morto)
  • Marazan (1926)
  • So Disdained (1928) (anke publikigita sub la titulo The Mysterious Aviator)
  • Lonely Road (1932)
  • Ruined City (1938) (anke publikigita sub la titulo Kindling)
  • What Happened to the Corbetts (1939) (anke publikigita sub la titulo Ordeal)
  • An Old Captivity (1940)
  • Landfall: A Channel Story (1940)
  • Pied Piper (1942)
  • Most Secret (1942 - publikigita ye 1945)
  • Pastoral (1944)
  • Vinland the Good (1946)
  • The Chequer Board (1947)
  • No Highway (1948)
  • A Town Like Alice (1950) (anke publikigita sub la titulo The Legacy)
  • Round the Bend (1951)
  • The Far Country (1952)
  • In the Wet (1953)
  • Slide Rule: Autobiography of an Engineer (1954; publikigita en 1964 en New York)
  • Requiem for a Wren (1955) (anke publikigita sub la titulo The Breaking Wave)
  • Beyond the Black Stump (1956)
  • On the Beach (1957)
  • The Rainbow and the Rose (1958)
  • Trustee from the Toolroom (1960)
  • The Seafarers (publikigita ye 2000)