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E Vicipaedia

Classis : Sauropsida 
Superordo : Dinosauria 
Ordo : Saurischia 
Subordo : Theropoda 
Infraordo : Pennaraptora 
Zoosectio : Paraves 
Gauthier, 1986
165–0 m.a.Iurassicum superius > Recens

Avialae (portmanteau: 'avium alae') est cladus dinosauriorum volantium qui aves, sola dinosauria viva, comprehendit. Plerumque definitur omnia dinosauria theropoda avibus hodiernis artius quam deinonychosauriis conecta, quamquam definitiones aliae aliquando adhibentur.

archaeopteryx lithographica, e membro Solnhofensi in Bavaria temporis Iurassici exeuntis inventa, est prima avialarum nota cui fortasse erat facultas volandi per se.[2] Nonnullae autem avialae ex Iurassico exeunti in Formatione Tiaojishan in Sinis recentius inventae sunt, quae abhinc annorum 160 milliones vixerunt.[3][4]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Cau, A.; Beyrand, V.; Voeten, D.; Fernandez, V.; Tafforeau, P.; Stein, K.; Barsbold, R.; Tsogtbaatar, K. et al (2017). "Synchrotron scanning reveals amphibious ecomorphology in a new clade of bird-like dinosaurs". Nature 552 (7685): 395–399 
  2. Alonso, P. D.; Milner, A. C.; Ketcham, R. A.; Cookson, M. J.; Rowe, T. B. (2004). "The avian nature of the brain and inner ear of Archaeopteryx". Nature 430 (7000): 666–669  Supplementary info
  3. Hu, D.; Hou, L.; Zhang, L. & Xu, X. (2009). "A pre-Archaeopteryx troodontid theropod from China with long feathers on the metatarsus". Nature 461 (7264): 640–643 
  4. Liu Y.-Q.; Kuang H.-W.; Jiang X.-J.; Peng N.; Xu H.; Sun H.-Y. (2012). "Timing of the earliest known feathered dinosaurs and transitional pterosaurs older than the Jehol Biota". Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 323–325: 1–12 

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