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Write code to change user email address unable to resolve class UserAccessor

I am trying to write code to change a user email address in Jira and I am getting the following error for my last import unable to resolve class com.atlassian.confluence.user.UserAccessor Anyone ...
Mouna Hammoudi's user avatar
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URL not included in the external fetch backend permissions: /wiki/api/v2/pages/

I try run, any of these examples on Confluence and I get a permissions-related error message. const fetchPage = async (contentId) => ...
neuroine's user avatar
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How can I call an external api and display its result in confluence page UI?

I am new to atlassian development. I am on cloud version of atlassian. I want to call an external api via http, and display its result in confluence page UI. I want that every new page that is created ...
s_v's user avatar
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Bitbucket: Hide "import/package" changes in diff in pull request

I was wondering if there is a Bitbucket Plugin or something similar that detects import/package changes in a pull request and either hides those lines or if the file is only consisting of these ...
Ashman's user avatar
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how to get rate limit values in JIRA REST API of /rest/api/3/field

we are getting 429 error on making rest api (/rest/api/3/field) name:"AxiosError", reason:"Too Many Requests", code:"ERR_BAD_REQUEST", status:429, Below is the response ...
Mohan Krishna's user avatar
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The automation rule fired when an update is made does not lead to the correct execution of the code

I am using an automation rule and I have used issue updated as an automation trigger for my rule and it's not working, I receive the message, the issue does not have any components even though the ...
منى's user avatar
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NullPointer exception for issueLinkManager.createIssueLink

I am getting a null pointer for  issueLinkManager.createIssueLink even though all the parameters of the API are not null. I am printing the parameters 1 by 1 and none of them is null.  Here is my code:...
منى's user avatar
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Generate issue links in Jira with scriptrunner

I am trying to generate some issue links in jira, here is my code. This code is executed as a Jira automation rule after clicking on a button. The problem is that I receive the following error ...
منى's user avatar
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Use Spring Integration in Jira Plugin Development

I'm trying to use Spring Integration module in my Jira plugin. When I'm starting it I see following error: [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 1 plugin failed to load ...
Oleksandr H's user avatar
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Setter Injection with @ComponentImport

Hi I'm trying to modify a Confluence Plugin to check every Network request against the OutboundWhitelist, however the plugin is written in a way where adding it into the constructor breaks quite a few ...
user21903432's user avatar
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Can no longer build Confluence plugin

At work I help to develop a Confluence plugin. Current software versions (and I believe the latest we can currently use, because reasons), according to atlas-version, are: ATLAS Version: 8.2.7 ...
calum_b's user avatar
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Can you develop custom bitbucket remote server hook that can reject pushes?

During my research on how to implement a solution for filtering commits on bitbucket's git repo, i.e. rejecting pushes that introduce invalid changes, I found out about bitbucket's custom plugins and ...
Gavrilo Adamovic's user avatar
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Know for which project/issue types a specific behavior is used in Jira data center

Is there a way to know for which projects/issue types a bahavior is used in Jira? I am thinking of upgrading ScriptRunner and I need to know the exact usage of a specific fragment and its specific ...
منى's user avatar
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How to create a dialog box on click of a Web Item in Confluence?

I am new to developing plugins in Confluence. I have created a Plugin which is adding a Web-item “AAD Permissions” under Space permissions section of Confluence (attaching the screenshot for reference)...
Preethi H R 's user avatar
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Create dynamic web hook for Jira, connect Spring boot

I am attempting to register a web hook to my Jira cloud instance and I am following their documentation but I have not been able to make it work. Specifically the section: Making API requests to the ...
El Moreno's user avatar
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