Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Victor Jory

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya
Victor Jory
Tavalludi 23-noyabr 1902-yil
Vafoti 12-fevral 1982-yil(1982-02-12)
(79 yoshda)
Santa Monica, Kaliforniya, A. Q. Sh.
Fuqaroligi Kanada
Kasbi Aktyor
Faoliyat yillari 1930-1980
Turmush oʻrtogʻi
Jean Inness
(turm. 1928; vaf. 1978)
Bolalari 2

Victor Jory (talaffuzi: „Viktor Jori“, 1902-yil 23-noyabr — 1982-yil 12-fevral) — kanada-amerikalik sahna, kino va televidenie aktyori[1]. U dastlab romantik bosh rollarni o‘ynadi, lekin keyinchalik asosan yovuz yoki dahshatli rollarda, masalan, „A Midsummer Nightʼs Dream“ filmidagi Oberon (1935) va„Gone with the Wind“ (1939) filmida Jonas Wilkerson kabi rollarni ijro etdi. 1959-yildan 1961-yilgacha u 78 epizodli „Manhunt“ televizion politsiya dramasida bosh rolni ijro etgan. Shuningdek, u Peter Pan Records uchun koʻplab hikoyalarni yozgan.

Dawson City (Yukon) da amerikalik ota-ona farzandi boʻlgan Jory harbiy xizmat paytida AQSh qirgʻoq qoʻriqlash xizmatining boks va kurash boʻyicha chempioni boʻlgan va oʻzining goʻzal tanasini saqlab qolgan[2]. Los-Anjelesdagi Martha Oatman nomidagi teatr maktabini tamomlagan[3].

Jory teatr truppalari bilan gastrollarda boʻlib, 1930-yilda Gollivudda debyut qilishdan oldin Brodveyda paydo boʻldi. U dastlab romantik rollar oʻynadi, lekin keyinchalik asosan yomon odam sifatida oʻynashni boshladi.

Jory 1929-yilda aktrisa Jean Inness bilan turmush qurgan. Ularning John va Jean ismli ikki farzandi bor. John Jory 31 yil davomida Kentukki shtatining Luisvil shahridagi aktyorlar teatrini boshqargan va u Amerikaning eng obroʻli mintaqaviy teatr kompaniyalaridan biriga aylanishiga yordam bergan[4]. U 2000-yilda Sietldagi Vashington universitetida drama professori boʻlish uchun ishni tark etdi[5]. Uning qizi Jean Jory Anderson Logandagi Yuta shtat universiteti teatr boʻlimining jamoatchilik bilan aloqalar direktori boʻlgan[6].

yil Sarlavha Rol Eslatma
1930 Renegades Officer Belonge Akkreditivsiz
1932 The Pride of the Legion Jerry Brewster
1932 Handle with Care Birinchi ommaviy dushman
1933 Second Hand Wife Lotzi Vajda
1933 State Fair Hoop Toss Barker
1933 Sailor’s Luck Baron Portola — aka Darrow
1933 Infernal Machine Alfred Doreen
1933 Trick for Trick La Tour
1933 I Loved You Wednesday Randall Williams
1933 The Devil’s in Love Doktor Andre Morand / Paul Vernay
1933 My Woman John Bradley
1933 Smoky Clint Peters
1934 I Believed in You Jim Crowl
1934 Murder in Trinidad Howard Sutter
1934 He Was Her Man Nick Gardella
1934 Madame Du Barry Duc Armand d’Aiguillon
1934 Pursued Beauregard
1934 Mills of the Gods Jim Devlin
1934 White Lies Terry Condon
1935 Party Wire Matthew Putnam
1935 Streamline Express Jimmy Hart
1935 A Midsummer Nightʼs Dream Oberon — King of the Fairies
1935 Escape from Devil’s Island Dario
1935 Too Tough to Kill John OʻHara
1936 Hell-Ship Morgan Jim Allen
1936 The King Steps Out Capt. Palfi
1936 Meet Nero Wolfe Claude Roberts
1936 Rangle River Dick Drake
1937 Bulldog Drummond at Bay Gregoroff
1937 Glamorous Night Baron Lyadeff
1937 First Lady Gordon Keane
1938 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Injun Joe
1939 Blackwell’s Island Commissioner Thomas MacNair
1939 Wings of the Navy Lt. Parsons
1939 Dodge City Yancey
1939 Women in the Wind Doc
1939 Man of Conquest William B. Travis
1939 Susannah of the Mounties Wolf Pelt
1939 Each Dawn I Die W. J. Grayce
1939 I Stole a Million Patian
1939 Call a Messenger Ed Hogan
1939 Gone with the Wind Jonas Wilkerson — Field Overseer
1940 The Shadow Lamont Cranston / Soya
1940 Knights of the Range Malcolm Lascalles
1940 The Light of Western Stars Gene Stewart
1940 The Lone Wolf Meets a Lady Clay Beaudine
1940 River’s End Norman Talbot
1940 Girl from Havana Tex Moore
1940 Cherokee Strip Coy Barrett Muqobil sarlavha: The Indian Nation
1940 The Green Archer Spike Holland
1940 Give Us Wings Janob Arnold Carter
1940 Lady with Red Hair Janob Clifton
1941 Border Vigilantes Henry Logan
1941 Hoola Boola Narrator Dublyaj, qisqa
1941 Bad Men of Missouri William Merrick
1941 Wide Open Town Steve Fraser
1941 Charlie Chan in Rio Marana / Alfredo Cardozo
1941 The Gay Knighties Narrator Dublyaj, qisqa
1941 Riders of the Timberline Baptiste Deschamp
1941 The Stork Pays Off Deak Foster
1941 Secrets of the Lone Wolf Dapper Dan Streever
1942 Shut My Big Mouth Buckskin Bill
1942 Jasper and the Watermelons Dublyaj, qisqa
1942 Tombstone, the Town Too Tough to Die Ike Clanton
1942 Tulips Shall Grow Narrator Dublyaj, qisqa
1943 Power of the Press Oscar Trent
1943 Hoppy Serves a Writ Tom Jordan
1943 Buckskin Frontier Champ Clanton
1943 The Leather Burners Dan Slack
1943 Colt Comrades Jeb Hardin
1943 The Kansan Jeff Barat
1943 Bar 20 Mark Jackson
1943 The Unknown Guest Charles 'Chuck' Williams
1944 Jasper’s Paradise Dublyaj, qisqa
1945 Hot Lips Jasper Dublyaj, qisqa
1945 Jasper Tell Dublyaj, qisqa
1947 Shoe Shine Jasper Dublyaj, qisqa
1947 Tubby the Tuba Narrator Qisqa
1948 The Loves of Carmen García
1948 The Gallant Blade Marshal of France Mordore
1949 A Womanʼs Secret Brook Matthews
1949 South of St. Louis Luke Cottrell
1949 Canadian Pacific Dirk Rourke
1949 Fighting Man of the Plains Dave Oldham
1950 The Capture Father Gomez
1950 The Cariboo Trail Frank Walsh
1951 The Highwayman Lord Douglas
1951 Cave of Outlaws Ben Cross
1952 Flaming Feather Lucky Lee / The Sidewinder
1952 Son of Ali Baba Caliph
1952 Toughest Man in Arizona Frank Girard
1953 The Man from the Alamo Jess Wade
1953 Cat-Women of the Moon Kip Reissner
1954 Valley of the Kings Tuareg Chief
1954 Sabaka Ashok
1956 Manfish 'Professor' Walter Fenton
1956 Blackjack Ketchum, Desperado Jared Tetlow
1956 Death of a Scoundrel Leonard Wilson
1957 The Man Who Turned to Stone Doktor Murdock
1957 The Last Stagecoach West Rand McCord
1958 Sierra Baron Closing narrator Akkreditivsiz
1960 The Fugitive Kind Jabe M. Torrance
1961 Operation Glen Canyon Narrator Hujjatli
1962 The Miracle Worker Captain Arthur Keller
1964 Cheyenne Autumn Tall Tree
1968 Jigsaw Edward Arkroyd
1969 Mackennaʼs Gold The Narrator
1969 A Time for Dying Judge Roy Bean
1970 Trail of the Hunter Himself Hujjatli
1970 Flap Wounded Bear Muqobil sarlavha: The Last Warrior
1973 Frasier, the Sensuous Lion Dublyaj Dublyaj
1973 Papillon
1975 The Boy Who Talks to Whales
1977 Mission to Glory: A True Story Father Zaya
1980 The Mountain Men Iron Belly yakuniy rol
1987 The Puppetoon Movie Dublyaj
  1. Jones, Jack. „Victor Jory - Hollywood Star Walk“. Los Angeles Times (1982-yil 13-fevral). Qaraldi: 2017-yil 17-yanvar.
  2. „VICTOR JORY, ACTOR, 79, DEAD; OFTEN PLAYED VILLIAN [sic] IN FILMS“. The New York Times (1982-yil 13-fevral). Qaraldi: 2017-yil 27-yanvar.
  3. „Oatman School offers new class“. Los Angeles Times (1928-yil 15-iyul), s. 45. Qaraldi: 2019-yil 2-iyun.
  4. „Actor Victor Jory dies“. United Press International (1982-yil 12-fevral). Qaraldi: 2017-yil 27-yanvar.
  5. Roseth. „Jon Jory joins faculty at UW School of Drama“. University of Washington (2000-yil 19-yanvar). Qaraldi: 2017-yil 27-yanvar.
  6. Magers. „Characters and Heavies: Victor Jory“. Western Clippings. Qaraldi: 2019-yil 18-iyun.