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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
--My name is Allison and I promise...you have never met anyone like me.--
-"So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about."
— Marilyn Monroe

Random Facts About Allison819


-I am a freshman at Georgia Southern University, which is located in Statesboro, GA. Some days I walk outside my dorm and it is hotter than hell (not that I would know how hot hell is, but if I had to guess).

-I am majoring in Interior Design. I have heard nothing good about this major from anyone on campus, which makes me pretty damn nervous. However, my brain just works that way (ie: design).

-I have never been a straight-A student in any science or history class. I have always excelled in art classes. I wish I had gone to a school where all the classes revolved around art. I would have graduated with higher than a 4.0. Instead, I went to a small private school where there are hardly any classes revolving around art.

-Oh well. As my Grandma says, such is life.

There's That Thing Called A Username...


-Allison819 does have some significance. Not that anyone cares, but I'm going to tell you anyway.

-Allison is my first name. My oldest brother named me.

...Why did he choose Allison? I have no idea.
...Why did my parents let their 6 year old son choose a random name for their only daughter? I have no idea.

-But, he did choose a good one. I'm not complaining.

-I was supposed to use certain numbers to signify myself in the Wikipedia world for my English class...but of course I forgot. Now I am the only one in my English class that doesn't have those numbers at the end of their username. Cool.

-The 819 stands for my birthday (August 19th). ...Easy to remember. Close enough.

All You Ever Wanted To Know...And Probably More...About Allison819

  • Yes, I am a girl and I LOVE to be outside.
  • People close to me call me "Alley" (also thought of by my oldest brother...)
  • I love to hunt and fish. And I don't really care if you think that is weird.
  • I am a girly-girl at the same time though. After all, I am the only girl after 2 boys. It was destined to happen.
  • I like to think of myself as a pretty well-rounded person.
  • I love to be outside all day (no matter the weather) but I also love to get all dressed up, too.
  • I also have an unhealthy addiction to shopping. I love shoes and winter coats WAY too much. It's not normal.
  • I love my boyfriend/bestfriend/soulmate/buddy with all my ♥.

I Believe in Alpha Delta Pi


-I am proud to say that I am a newly (as of October 1, 2010) initiated member of Alpha Delta Pi in the Epsilon Pi Chapter at Georgia Southern University.

-I ♥ my sisters and everything that Alpha Delta Pi stands for.

"You only live once, but if you live like us...once is enough."

Contributions to Wikipedia


So far, the only reason I am even on Wikipedia is for my Freshman English class at Georgia Southern University. I am writing an article about the Cox Capitol Theatre, which is located in my hometown of Macon, Georgia.

However, I have made edits and contributions to the following articles:

I'm the next Bill Gates...Doubt It. But Hopefully I'm The Next Candice Olson


-If you don't know who Candice Olson is...I suggest you turn on your TV immediately and find out when her show, Divine Design comes on HGTV.

-Watch it.
-"Ohhh, Ahhh."

Now on to Technology...


-I'm not going to lie...I love it. And I've become pretty damn good at it if I do say so myself. :o)

-My blackberry= ♥
-My laptop= ♥
-My iPad= ♥
-My iPod= ♥
-My GPS= ♥

(For you men...and whoever else is confused...the "♥" is equivalent to "love")

Tell Me How You REALLY Feel...About Wikipedia


-Here's the deal:

-I was forbidden to EVER, EVER, and I mean EVER!!! use Wikipedia as a source for any paper in high school.

-Here's how it worked: (I won't mention any names...)

-Allison: "Ms. What's Your Name, am I allowed to use Wikipedia as one of my sources for my research paper?"
-Ms. What's Your Name: "NO!!! Wikipedia is not a credible source!"

-Here's what they really meant:

-Look, I'm not an idiot. I know all you're going to do is copy and paste the entire article on Wikipedia and paste it on Word and turn it in. I refuse to even waste my valuable time reading that nonsense.

-Here's how I REAAALLYY feel: -Wikipedia is convenient.

For example:
-Say your at Buffalo's on a Thursday night with some friends playing Trivia. They call out a question and no one knows the answer... or anything about the subject. This would be a PRIME time to pull out your Blackberry, type www.wikipedia.org into your internet, and search.
-The result: you look like a badass (excuse my profanity) when your team gets the question right.

-Other than that...Wikipedia isn't going to be my #1 stop when searching for information about a topic.

-Because 19 year-old college students like myself can easily create an account and write an article.

-Also, I don't think I will continue to make contributions on Wikipedia. I'd rather be outside than sitting in front of a computer. (Sorry if this offends anyone...but I wasn't ask to lie in my userpage)

-And that's pretty much it. That's how I REALLY feel. I wouldn't lie to ya...I'm a pretty blunt and honest person (if you haven't figured that out already...)




-Let me just say this:

-My teacher was the same the entire 3 years I took Spanish in high school. She barely spoke English. Enough said.

-So, my primary (and pretty much only...) language is English. And I am perfectly fine with that.

Rectangular Boxes That Describe Allison819

This user is an art lover.
This user can write in calligraphy.
This user loves painting.
This user enjoys scrapbooking.
This user enjoys
sailing and boating.
This user enjoys snorkeling.
This user enjoys fishing.
This user likes walking by the
This user loves sunny days
This user likes to spin pens.
 SOBER This user is alcohol free.
Kitten, with meme phrase, "No more drama!"This user does not like teh dramah.
This user is a fan of Friends.

--Allison819 (talk) 21:03, 1 December 2010 (UTC)