Benvegnüü in sü la Wikipedia


Benvegnüü in sü la Wikipedia, l'enciclupedia libra che tücc i pòden jüdà a scriv. -- Dragonòt (ciciarade) 17:03, 1 Set 2012 (CEST)

Dialett provenzal


Please you should write in Lombard or in English, second you should explain better why the cartography is "fausse" and who are the "révisionniste de l'histoire" and why. Otherwise the cartography should come back. Best regards. --Aldedogn (ciciarade) 17:54, 21 Avr 2018 (CEST)

Thank you for your answer. I understand the problem. Regarding the images you have proposed, it seems to me that the second one does not consider the occitan areas in Piedmont and especially it seems to me that there is too much information in that images, even extralinguistic information. For example we should explain better what means "4 « Limite de la langue provençale »". The first is better, but if you are agree I prefer this image [1] with this caption: "La zone de locution du Provençal correspond à la zone oragne, à l'est de l'aire occitane" (In Lombard of course). What do you think about it? --Aldedogn (ciciarade) 13:52, 22 Avr 2018 (CEST)

I think you have the same problem with Gascons. Anyway we have the same problem in Padany. You write:
"In Provence you must know that there are movements that do not feel Occitan, who want to separate the Provencal dialect from Occitan because these people are proud of Provence who are once independent, then countries in the South of France. I am proud of Provence, but I am aware that we have a common language in the South".
I can write:
"In Veneto you must know that there are movements that do not feel Padan, who want to separate the Veneto dialect from Padan because these people are proud of Venezia who are once independent. I am proud of Venezia but I am aware that we have a common language in the North".
Of course we are not recognized by anyone, about Occitania they recognized one language with different dialect, about us they recognized gallo italic lenguageS, at most. So you have one wiki, we have 6 wiki. Thank you. --Aldedogn (ciciarade) 15:58, 22 Avr 2018 (CEST)