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Nutza:Gschupfta Ferdl

Aus Wikipedia

Mitzi Wassaptschick, des beliebte Suicide Görl vo Hernois...
Der g'schupfte Ferdl
Heite ziagt da gschupfte Ferdl frische Sockn an...
...putzt sie d Schuach und nachhea haut a si ins Gwand...
Aun da Eckn trifft a daun de Mitzi Wassaptschick,
des beliebte Pin-Up Görl vo Hernois...
...weu beim Dumser drausd in Nei-Lerchnföd is wieda amoi Perfektion. [Dumser = friachare Daunzschui; Nei-Lerchnföd = Stodteu vo Wean]

Dirty Ferdy
Dirty Ferdy was a cowboy most notorious
You could smell him in the distance of a mile
Oh, but look at him tonight, where he looks glorious
That’s because he took a bath and dressed in style
Farmer Joe was getting married tonight, so there was a dance...


Kalendabladdl (KB)

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Bairisches Wort (BW)

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