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Normalizes boolean template arguments.

1string{{{parameter|¬}}}Input(1)The value to normalize(1)
yesstringyesTruthy output(1)Output on a truthy value (e.g.: case‑insensitive 'yes', 'y', 'true', or '1')(1)
nostringFalsy output(1)Output on a falsy value (e.g.: case‑insensitive 'no', 'n', 'false', or '0')(1)
blankstring{{{no}}}Blank output(1)Output when the input parameter is defined but its value is empty(1)
¬string¬Undefined output(1)Output when the input parameter is either '¬' or entirely missing (undefined)(1)
defstring{{{yes}}}Definite output(1)Output when the input value is specified but isn't any of the preceding values(1)

TemplateData for Template:Yesno (Q6887402)

Data available under Creative Commons Zero.