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User:Yug/Map convention

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Convention for locator maps (2012 scheme) (see more).
Subject Colorimetry (RGB/hex)
Toponymes (names)
R:0 G:0 B:0
Territory of interest / Marked / Focus
R:193 G:40 B:56
Surrounding territories (Internal).
R:253 G:251 B:234
Surrounding landmass (Outside)
R:223 G:223 B:223
Background D (opacity 50%)
R: G: B:
Foreground C (opacity 50%)
R: G: B:
Circle marker opacity, glow effect, zoom box: scale effect (opacity 25%)
R: G: B:
Political borders. Country, state, and province borders.
Nuance is provided by line styling.
R:101 G:101 B:101
Hydronymes (names).
R:18 G:120 B:171
Rivers; coastlines for lakes, oceans.
R:18 G:120 B:171
Water bodies: oceans, seas or lakes.
R:199 G:231 B:251
Zoom box shadow (opacity 50%)
R: G: B:

Naming (upload):

  • File:{Subject name in English} locator map (blank).svg (for template map)
  • File:{Subject name in English} locator map-en.svg for English version
  • File:{Subject name in English} locator map-ko.svg for Korean version
  • File:{Subject name in English} locator map-num.svg for numbered international version
 Need to be isolated as a former English convention (supersed by location maps convention)
Convention for Area maps (see more).
Subject Colorimetry (RGB/hex)
Point of interest (cities especially).
R:176 G:0 B:0
Area of interest (species range, etc).
R:240 G:117 B:104
Border colour for areas of interest.
R:224 G:88 B:78
Parks or natural preservation areas.
R:160 G:240 B:144
Maps with opposite groups[1]
Color n⁰1, opacity 100 or 40%:
R:228 G:26 B:28
Color n⁰2, opacity 100 or 40%:
R:77 G:175 B:74
Color n⁰3, opacity 100 or 40%:
R:152 G:78 B:163
Color n⁰4, opacity 100 or 40%:
R:255 G:127 B:0
Color n⁰5, opacity 100 or 40% (/!\ may conflict with water bodies):
R:55 G:126 B:184
Color n⁰6, opacity 100 or 40%:
R:255 G:255 B:51
Color n⁰7, opacity 100 or 40%:
R:166 G:86 B:40
Color for bird distribution map
R:173 G:175 B:216
Breeding areas.
R:245 G:174 B:140
Migration or migratory areas.
R:247 G:233 B:131
Non-breeding areas.
R:157 G:204 B:233
Introduced areas.
R:255 G:127 B:0

Naming (upload):

  • File:{Subject name in English} locator map.svg (or png, for locator maps)
  • File:{Subject name in English} map.svg (or png)

For species, use the binominal name. For others, use the English wiki article title. If needed, add just after the subject name the section's name, the year, etc.

Colours: A maximum of four colours is required for complex multi-color area maps (see Four color theorem).


  1. ^ Source: http://colorbrewer2.org > Qualitative scale > Set 1
 Keep 'L'. Totally replace 'C': expand to more areas for bio needs, historical needs, etc. See Tango palette.

Edit the Tango palette:

On going clean up : Map Conventions

Subject: Request split of previous colour conventions to respect new convention scheme, and ease understanding/clarity.


As you may have noticed, I made a large work to clean up the project page (to continue), and to collect existing de facto map conventions (a bit lock currently).

Acceptable conventions are, more or less, to the number of 7. As you can see in the template bellow.

Some apply to background & borders (mainly: Location & Topo), some apply to upper areas layers (Locator, Complex-Areas maps, Historical, Exchange) to draw up on a chosen background. So I followed this division of labour to create respective convention pages. Each convention page should apply to a specific field, and not overlap an other page's conventions.

There is my today trouble, and I feel lock by this. The project former colors conventions (see box below), are a large addition of borders, background, locator, and area conventions. Now that we have more field specific convention pages, aiming to clearly show who do what, easing explanation and analysis, and letting users make mixes, this set should be split.

Extended content
Convention for Area maps (see more).
Subject Colorimetry (RGB/hex)
Point of interest (cities especially).
R:176 G:0 B:0
Area of interest (species range, etc).
R:240 G:117 B:104
Border colour for areas of interest.
R:224 G:88 B:78
Parks or natural preservation areas.
R:160 G:240 B:144
Maps with opposite groups[1]
Color n⁰1, opacity 100 or 40%:
R:228 G:26 B:28
Color n⁰2, opacity 100 or 40%:
R:77 G:175 B:74
Color n⁰3, opacity 100 or 40%:
R:152 G:78 B:163
Color n⁰4, opacity 100 or 40%:
R:255 G:127 B:0
Color n⁰5, opacity 100 or 40% (/!\ may conflict with water bodies):
R:55 G:126 B:184
Color n⁰6, opacity 100 or 40%:
R:255 G:255 B:51
Color n⁰7, opacity 100 or 40%:
R:166 G:86 B:40
Color for bird distribution map
R:173 G:175 B:216
Breeding areas.
R:245 G:174 B:140
Migration or migratory areas.
R:247 G:233 B:131
Non-breeding areas.
R:157 G:204 B:233
Introduced areas.
R:255 G:127 B:0

Naming (upload):

  • File:{Subject name in English} locator map.svg (or png, for locator maps)
  • File:{Subject name in English} map.svg (or png)

For species, use the binominal name. For others, use the English wiki article title. If needed, add just after the subject name the section's name, the year, etc.

Colours: A maximum of four colours is required for complex multi-color area maps (see Four color theorem).


  1. ^ Source: http://colorbrewer2.org > Qualitative scale > Set 1

Colours should now gone respectively to field specific pages : a. border-background convention page ; b. a locator page ; c. a field specific multi-areas convention page . overlap on both Locator conventions and Area convention.

Locator and complex colours especially need serious expansions (about 5 values to add), this need specific pages to stay manageable (as noticed user:Seav). Also, to continue the restructuration of the conventions and ease later expasions, I encourage the split of this colours conventions. I know wikipedia encourage to be bold, but the colours have been approved, so I ask encouragement before to act. Yug (talk) 05:27, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

A new "Areas map convention" should be create, based on location maps, and satisfying the need of Locator maps (blank) + Areas maps + Historical maps
Technical needs
  • 1. convenience to draw ; 2. nice look ; 3. color-blinds proof / accessibility. That's both a long term NECESSITY, and need a skilled & devoted user(s). Not easy to get in the free world.
  • Nice look: you can use Tango Icon Theme Guidelines, Tango-Palette.svg (SVG) & Tango-Palette.gpl (file .gpl) as references.
  • Chartjunk free: the dilemma is to have contrast, without having an 'electric' (too attractive) color.
  • Constrast test: conversion to grayscale is a good test : for 2 colors maps, as well as for several colors maps if possible.
  • Kmusser & others: Kmusser, you have both technical expertise (colorblind, mapmaking experience) and understanding of the management objective (end with a proposal within 2 weeks), so you have the best global view to lead this issue. I encourage you to lead this convention creation !
    • Long term project:
  • Realistic consensus: our objective is improvement, not perfection. We humbly want to improve a bit the style for more eyes-comfort/accessibility/credibility. 100% consensual agreement and technical perfection is not possible.
  • Now: so the best is to move on on one issue: biologic maps. :D