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Usuario:El Megaloco/Respuesta7

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Imagen a rellenar por la imaginación del dilecto lector:

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--¡Que le corten la calabaza! --chilló la Reina a grito pelado.

The Cheshire cat as John Tenniel envisioned it in the 1866 publication
The Cheshire cat as John Tenniel envisioned it in the 1866 publication
Old King Cole, according to William Wallace Denslow

Play me "Old King Cole"
that I may join with you,
all your hearts now seem so far from me
it hardly seems to matter now.

And the nurse will tell you lies
of a Kingdom beyond the skies.
But I'm lost within this half-world,
it hardly seems to matter now.

Play me my song,
here it comes again.
Play me my song,
here it comes again.

Just a little bit,
just a little bit more time,
time left to live out my life.

Play me my song,
here it comes again.
Play me my song,
here it comes again.

Old King Cole was a merry ould soul,
and a merry old soul was he.
So he called for his pipe,
and he called for his bowl,
and he called the his fiddlers three.

And the clock, tick tock,
on the mantlepiece,
and I want,
and I fell,
and I know,
and I touch the wall.

She's a lady, she's got time.
Brush back you hair, and let me get to know your face.
She's a lady, she's mine.
Brush back you hair, and let me get to know your flesh.

I've been waiting here for so long
and all this time that passed me by.
It doesn't seem to matter now.
You stand there with your fixed expression
casting doubt on all I have to say.
Why don't you touch me, touch me?
Why don't you touch me, touch me?
Touch me now, now now, now, now ...

The musical box:
While Henry Hamilton-Smythe minor [8] was playing croquet with Cynthia Jane De Blaise-William [9], sweet smiling Cynthia raised her mallet high and gracefully removed Henry's head. Two weeks later, in Henry's nursery, she discovered his treasured musical box. Eagerly she opened it and as "Old King Cole" began to play, a small spirit-figure appeared. Henry had returned - but not for long, for as he stood into the room his body began ageing rapidly, leaving a child's mind inside. A lifetime's desires surged through him. Unfortunately the attempt to persuade Cynthia Jane to fulfill his romantic desire led his nurse to the nursery to investigate the noise. Instinctively she hurled the musical box at the bearded child, destroying both.

Genesis, Musical Box


Años atrás, en otra noche de Halloween, me dijo que me perseguiría hasta el fin de mis días. Nunca he podido quitarmela de encima. Me sigue y persigue por donde quiera que voy. Por un tiempo creí que al rodearme la oscuridad me libraba de ella, pero pronto descubrí que sólo eran vanas ilusiones. Bastaba un atisbo de claridad, encender la luz de la habitación, abrir los ojos y allí estaba ella, agazapada, perenne.

Desistí, era inutil. Ahora estoy convencido de que el dia que yo muera ella seguirá ahí. Sonriendo. Triunfante. Ella viva y yo muerto.

Trick or treat?