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Universal, renominate Panroman in 1906, es un projecto de lingua auxiliar international neo-latin create per Henrik Molenaar in 1903.

Ille formava cata parola de maniera poco systematic[1] a partir de al minus duo linguas romanic. Le etymologia es obscurate in tal parolas como "Kan" (can), "Kar" (car), "Laser" (del francese 'laisser').

Patr nostr, qui es en ziel, ton nom ese sanktifizet; ton regn vene; ton voluntat ese fazet in ter kom in ziel. Done nos hodi nostr pan quotidian; pardone nos nostr debiti, kom nos pardon a nostr debitori; e non induze nos in tentazioni, ma libere nos de mal.[2]

Kommunikazioni internazional deven semper plus grand. Un facil komprension mutual es nezes in homers, art, szienz, in viagi kongresi e mil okasioni.[3]


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  1. Bowks, Jay (1996-2005): Panroman / Universal. Projecto Auxilingua. Recuperate 2017-05-02.
  2. "Samples of Constructed Languages", One Language for the World, Mario Pei. 1958.
  3. DELPHOS: The future of International Language, by E. Sylvia Pankhurst, London.