How do I request a change to a language identifier (code) in ISO 639-3?

​See Submitting Change Requests for instructions.

How long does it take to make a change I request to ISO 639-3?

​Prior to 2023, changes were made on an annual cycle. Annual changes were collected in August, reviewed in December and posted in January. See current information here.

What kind of evidence do I need that my change to ISO 639-3 is needed?

​The best evidence is documented in published sources, such as a book, survey report or article. In particular, evidence for splitting an established code should be well documented. Sometimes there is a request to change a name, particularly from the name used by outsiders for a language, to that used by language community members themselves. In this case documentation of a meeting of community leaders where a decision was made on the requested name is acceptable evidence.

What kinds of languages can receive a code under ISO 639-3?

​Languages in use by a group of people for human communication, and that have been in use for a period of time are eligible for a code. For further information see the guidelines.

Is there a way for me to participate in the decisions being made about language code changes?

​Comments are welcome on any change listed as "Current" in the Change Request Index. Submit your comments to iso639-3@sil.org. Please include the change request number in your subject line.