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Si Wikipedia, tasanayt tilellit.
At tutlayt tayemmat
41 000 (2021)
Tifinaɣ, Agemmay amaziɣ alatin d Agemmay amaziɣ aɛrab
Ingalen n tutlayt
ISO 639-3 aucune valeur
Glottolog tuni1262[1]

Tawillult neɣ Twillult (s Tifinaɣ: ⵜⴰⵡⵉⵍⵍⵓⵍⵜ, ⵜⵡⵉⵍⵍⵓⵍⵜ) d yiwet n tutlayt tamaziɣt taznast ttmeslayen yis yimezdaɣ n temdint n At Willul i d-yezgan deg ugafa utrim n tmurt n Libya. Llan wazal n 100.000 n yimdanen yettmeslayen s tutlayt-ayi.

Dɣa tamaziɣt n At Willul d tin yettemcabin i tmaziɣt tanfust i ttmeslayen yimezdaɣ n wedrar n infusen.

Anagraw n tira

[ẓreg | ẓreg aɣbalu]

Kra n yirmawen

[ẓreg | ẓreg aɣbalu]

Nečča n weɣrum = Akennic n weɣrum


[ẓreg | ẓreg aɣbalu]
  1. Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2017). "Twillult". Glottolog 3.0. Jena, Germany: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.
Muritanya : Taẓnagt - Merruk : Tarifit | Tamaziɣt | Tasusit | Taznagt n Srayr | Tamaziɣt tudayt | Taɣumarit - Lezzayer : Taqbaylit | Tacawit | Tumẓabt | Teggargrent | Tacenwit | Iɣermawen | Tagurart - Tunes : Tasendit | Tajerbit | Tamaẓret | Dwiret - Libya : Tanfust | Twillult | Taɣdimest | Ɣat | Tasuknit | aɣarmi | Tawilant | Tazuregt - Miẓra : Isiwan - Aneẓruf : Tamahaq | Tetserret | Tayiṛt | Tawellemt | Tamaceqt - Tigzirin Tiknariyin : † Tagwanect