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Elektroniskā cigarete

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Šis raksts ir par elektronisko cigareti. Par citām jēdziena Veips nozīmēm skatīt nozīmju atdalīšanas lapu.
Photo of device
Pirmās paaudzes e-cigarete, kas atgādina tabakas cigareti, ar akumulatora daļu, kuru var atvienot un uzlādēt, izmantojot USB strāvas lādētāju
Photo of devices
Dažādi e-cigarešu veidi no 2015. gada, tostarp vienreizējās lietošanas e-cigarete, uzlādējama e-cigarete, vidēja izmēra tvertnes ierīce, liela izmēra tvertnes ierīces, e-cigārs un e-pīpe

Elektroniskā cigarete (saīsinājumā e-cigarete) jeb veips (no angļu: vape, saīsinājums no vaporizer — 'iztvaikotājs') ir ierīce, kas imitē tabakas smēķēšanu. Tas sastāv no izsmidzinātāja, barošanas avota, piemēram, akumulatora, un konteinera, piemēram, kasetnes vai tvertnes. Dūmu vietā lietotājs ieelpo tvaikus.[1] Tādējādi e-cigarešu lietošanu bieži sauc par "veipošanu".[2] Izsmidzinātājs ir sildelements, kas iztvaicē šķidru šķīdumu, ko sauc par e-šķidrumu[3], kas ātri atdziest par sīku pilienu, tvaiku un gaisa aerosolu.[4] Tvaiki galvenokārt satur propilēnglikolu un/vai glicerīnu, parasti ar nikotīnu un aromatizētāju. Tās precīzais sastāvs atšķiras un ir atkarīgs no vairākām lietām, tostarp lietotāja uzvedības.

E-cigaretes tiek aktivizētas, ieelpojot vai nospiežot pogu.[2][5] Dažas izskatās kā tradicionālās cigaretes,[2][6] un lielākā daļa veidu ir atkārtoti lietojamas. [8]

Nikotīns izraisa lielu atkarību.[9][10][11] Lietotāji kļūst fiziski un psiholoģiski atkarīgi.[12] Zinātnieki nezina, cik kaitīgas ir e-cigaretes ilgtermiņā[13][14], jo ir grūti nošķirt tvaicēšanas ietekmi no veipošanas sekām, kad tik daudz cilvēku gan veipo, gan smēķē. [a][15] E-cigaretes nav izmantotas pietiekami plaši vai pietiekami ilgi, lai pārliecinātos.[16][17][18]

Veipošana, visticamāk, ir daudz mazāk kaitīga nekā smēķēšana, taču tomēr kaitīga.[19][20] E-cigarešu tvaiki satur mazāk toksīnu nekā cigarešu dūmi, zemākā koncentrācijā. Tvaiki satur kaitīgu vielu pēdas, kas nav atrodamas cigarešu dūmos.[20] Nikotīnu saturošas e-cigaretes ir efektīvākas par nikotīna aizstājterapiju (NAT) smēķēšanas atmešanai.[21][22] Tomēr e-cigaretes nav tikušas pakļautas tikpat stingrām pārbaudēm kā lielākajai daļai nikotīna aizstājterapijas produktu[23], un brīdinājumi par ietekmi uz veselību var mudināt smēķētāju atmest veipošanu.[24]

  1. "Once again, there is a strong potential for confounding, such that comparisons of dual users with smokers who do not use e-cigarettes will not yield meaningful causal estimates"[7]
  1. Cheng, T. (2014). "Chemical evaluation of electronic cigarettes". Tobacco Control 23 (Supplement 2): ii11–ii17. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2013-051482. ISSN 0964-4563. PMC 3995255. PMID 24732157.
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 Orellana-Barrios, Menfil A.; Payne, Drew; Mulkey, Zachary; Nugent, Kenneth (2015). "Electronic cigarettes-a narrative review for clinicians". The American Journal of Medicine 128 (7): 674–81. doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2015.01.033. ISSN 0002-9343. PMID 25731134.
  3. Weaver, Michael; Breland, Alison; Spindle, Tory; Eissenberg, Thomas (2014). "Electronic Cigarettes". Journal of Addiction Medicine 8 (4): 234–240. doi:10.1097/ADM.0000000000000043. ISSN 1932-0620. PMC 4123220. PMID 25089953.
  4. David, Grégory; Parmentier, Evelyne A.; Taurino, Irene; Signorell, Ruth (December 2020). "Tracing the composition of single e-cigarette aerosol droplets in situ by laser-trapping and Raman scattering". Scientific Reports 10 (1): 7929. Bibcode 2020NatSR..10.7929D. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-64886-5. PMC 7220912. PMID 32404884.
  5. Rahman, Muhammad; Hann, Nicholas; Wilson, Andrew; Worrall-Carter, Linda (2014). "Electronic cigarettes: patterns of use, health effects, use in smoking cessation and regulatory issues". Tobacco Induced Diseases 12 (1): 21. doi:10.1186/1617-9625-12-21. PMC 4350653. PMID 25745382.
  6. Pepper, J. K.; Brewer, N. T. (2013). "Electronic nicotine delivery system (electronic cigarette) awareness, use, reactions and beliefs: a systematic review". Tobacco Control 23 (5): 375–384. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2013-051122. ISSN 0964-4563. PMC 4520227. PMID 24259045.
  7. 7,0 7,1 Drope, Jeffrey; Cahn, Zachary; Kennedy, Rosemary; Liber, Alex C.; Stoklosa, Michal; Henson, Rosemarie; Douglas, Clifford E.; Drope, Jacqui (November 2017). "Key issues surrounding the health impacts of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) and other sources of nicotine". CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 67 (6): 449–471. doi:10.3322/caac.21413. ISSN 0007-9235. PMID 28961314.
  8. "Most ENDS consist of a rechargeable, battery-operated heating element and a replaceable or refillable cartridge for the e-liquid. An atomizer heats the liquid in the cartridge to convert it into an aerosol, which is then inhaled by the user. Most of these products are rechargeable, but some are disposable."[7]
  9. "Policy on Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS)". American Academy of Pediatrics. 2020.
  10. "Position Statements on e-cigarettes". American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS). 21 April 2021.
  11. Schraufnagel, Dean E.; Blasi, Francesco; Drummond, M. Bradley; Lam, David C. L.; Latif, Ehsan; Rosen, Mark J.; Sansores, Raul; Van Zyl-Smit, Richard (15 September 2014). "Electronic Cigarettes. A Position Statement of the Forum of International Respiratory Societies". American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 190 (6): 611–618. doi:10.1164/rccm.201407-1198PP. ISSN 1073-449X. PMID 25006874.
  12. Miyasato, K. (March 2013). "[Psychiatric and psychological features of nicotine dependence]" (ja). Nihon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 71 (3): 477–481. PMID 23631239.
  13. Marques, Patrice; Piqueras, Laura; Sanz, Maria-Jesus (December 2021). "An updated overview of e-cigarette impact on human health". Respiratory Research 22 (1): 151. doi:10.1186/s12931-021-01737-5. PMC 8129966. PMID 34006276. ""the safety of e-cigarette consumption and its potential as a smoking cessation method remain controversial due to limited evidence...the potential long-term effects of e-cigarette consumption have been scarcely investigated.""
  14. Walley, Susan C.; Wilson, Karen M.; Winickoff, Jonathan P.; Groner, Judith (1 June 2019). "A Public Health Crisis: Electronic Cigarettes, Vape, and JUUL". Pediatrics 143 (6): e20182741. doi:10.1542/peds.2018-2741. PMID 31122947. ""Because e-cigarettes have only been marketed for ~10 years... scientific data are limited and will continue to emerge. Because e-cigarette solutions and emissions have been shown to contain nicotine and many of the same harmful toxicants and carcinogens as cigarettes, it is reasonable to assume that there is the potential for similar health effects for e-cigarette use, particularly with emerging data of tobacco toxicant exposure found among e-cigarette users.""
  15. Kim, Sooyong; Selya, Arielle S (12 June 2020). "The Relationship Between Electronic Cigarette Use and Conventional Cigarette Smoking Is Largely Attributable to Shared Risk Factors". Nicotine & Tobacco Research 22 (7): 1123–1130. doi:10.1093/ntr/ntz157. PMC 7291806. PMID 31680169. ""past research remains inconclusive due to heavy confounding between cigarette and e-cigarette use""
  16. Gotts, Jeffrey E; Jordt, Sven-Eric; McConnell, Rob; Tarran, Robert (30 September 2019). "What are the respiratory effects of e-cigarettes?". BMJ 366: l5275. doi:10.1136/bmj.l5275. PMC 7850161. PMID 31570493. ""We reiterate that, to date, no long term vaping toxicological/safety studies have been done in humans; without these data, saying with certainty that e-cigarettes are safer than combustible cigarettes is impossible.""
  17. Benowitz, Neal L.; Burbank, Andrea D. (August 2016). "Cardiovascular toxicity of nicotine: Implications for electronic cigarette use". Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 26 (6): 515–523. doi:10.1016/j.tcm.2016.03.001. PMC 4958544. PMID 27079891. ""It is difficult to distinguish the independent roles of nicotine vs tobacco combustion products in cigarette smokers because all smokers are exposed to both.""
  18. Bals, Robert; Boyd, Jeanette; Esposito, Susanna; Foronjy, Robert; Hiemstra, Pieter; Jiménez-Ruiz, Carlos A.; Katsaounou, Paraskevi; Lindberg, Anne et al. (February 2019). "Electronic cigarettes: a task force report from the European Respiratory Society". European Respiratory Journal 53 (2): 1801151. doi:10.1183/13993003.01151-2018. ISSN 0903-1936. PMID 30464018. ""The long-term effects of ECIG use are unknown, and there is therefore no evidence that ECIGs are safer than tobacco in the long term. Based on current knowledge, negative health effects cannot be ruled out.""
  19. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. «Recommendations on treating tobacco dependence Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence. Guidance NICE». www.nice.org.uk, 2021. gada 30. novembris. Skatīts: 2022. gada 13. novembris.
  20. 20,0 20,1 Balfour, David J. K.; Benowitz, Neal L.; Colby, Suzanne M.; Hatsukami, Dorothy K.; Lando, Harry A.; Leischow, Scott J.; Lerman, Caryn; Mermelstein, Robin J. et al. (September 2021). "Balancing Consideration of the Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarettes". American Journal of Public Health 111 (9): 1661–1672. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2021.306416. PMC 8589069. PMID 34410826. "Among potentially toxic substances common to both products, cigarette smoke generally contains substantially larger quantities than e-cigarette aerosol. However, e-cigarette aerosol contains some substances not found in cigarette smoke.""
  21. Hartmann-Boyce, J; Lindson, N; Butler, AR; McRobbie, H; Bullen, C; Begh, R; Theodoulou, A; Notley, C et al. (17 November 2022). "Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation.". The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2022 (11): CD010216. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD010216.pub7. PMC 9668543. PMID 36384212.
  22. Lindson, N; Butler, AR; McRobbie, H; Bullen, C; Hajek, P; Begh, R; Theodoulou, A; Notley, C et al. (8 January 2024). "Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation.". The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 1 (1): CD010216. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD010216.pub8. PMC 10772980. PMID 38189560.
  23. Carpenter, Matthew J.; Wahlquist, Amy E.; Dahne, Jennifer; Gray, Kevin M.; Cummings, K. Michael; Warren, Graham; Wagener, Theodore L.; Goniewicz, Maciej L. et al. (September 2023). ""Effect of unguided e-cigarette provision on uptake, use, and smoking cessation among adults who smoke in the USA: a naturalistic, randomised, controlled clinical trial."". eClinicalMedicine 63: 102142. doi:10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.102142. PMC 10518503. PMID 37753443.
  24. Al-Hamdani, Mohammed; Hopkins, D. Brett; Park, Tristan (2020). "Vaping among youth and young adults: a "red alert" state". Journal of Public Health Policy 41 (1): 63–69. doi:10.1057/s41271-019-00193-2. ISSN 0197-5897. PMID 31664162.