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Jay Lemke

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Jay Lemke
Nascimento 1946 (78 anos)
Chicago, EUA
Escola/tradição Sociossemiótica, Multimodalidade, Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional
Ideias notáveis Multiplicação de significados
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Jay Lemke (Chicago, 1946) é um físico e professor emérito da Universidade da Cidade de Nova Iorque. Sua pesquisa é focada especialmente no ensino de ciência, com fortes ligações com a sociossemiótica e a linguística sistêmico-funcional.[1] Lemke criou a metáfora de "multiplicação de significados", muito utilizada nos estudos de multimodalidade.[2]

Bibliografia selecionada

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  • 1990. Talking Science: Language, Learning, and Values. Norwood, NJ: Ablex/Praeger Publishing.
  • 1995. Textual Politics: Discourse and Social Dynamics. Londres: Taylor & Francis.
  • 1998. Multiplying Meaning: Visual and Verbal Semiotics in Scientific Text. In: J.R. Martin & R. Veel (eds.), Reading Science. Londres: Routledge, pp. 87–113.
  • 1998. Resources for Attitudinal Meaning: Evaluative Orientations in Text Semantics. Functions of Language 5(1): 33–56.
  • 1999. Typological and Topological Meaning in Diagnostic Discourse. Discourse Processes 27(2): 173–85.
  • 2000. Opening Up Closure: Semiotics Across Scales. In: J. Chandler & G. van de Vijver (eds.), Closure: Emergent Organizations and their Dynamics (Volume 901: Annals of the NYAS). Nova York: New York Academy of Science Press, pp. 100–11.
  • 2000. Across the Scales of Time: Artifacts, Activities, and Meanings in Ecosocial Systems. Mind, Culture, and Activity 7(4): 273–90.
  • 2002. Travels in Hypermodality. Visual Communication 1(3): 299–325.
  • 2012. Analyzing Verbal Data: Principles, Methods, and Problems [revised]. In: Barry J. Fraser, Kenneth Tobin & Campbell J. McRobbie (eds.), The Second International Handbook of Science Education. Londres: Springer, pp. 1471–84.
  • 2013. Feeling and Meaning in the Social Ecology of Learning: Lessons from Play and Games. In: Michael Baker, Jerry Andriessen & Sanna Järvelä (eds.), Affective Learning Together: The Socio-emotional Turn in Collaborative Learning. Londres & Nova York: Routledge, pp. 71–94.


  1. Andersen, Thomas; Boeriis, Morten; Maagerø, Eva; Tønnessen, Elise, eds. (2015). Social Semiotics: Key Figures, New Directions. Oxon: Routledge
  2. Bateman, John (2014). Text and Image: a Critical Introduction to the Visual/Verbal Divide. Londres e Nova York: Routledge 
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