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Coat o airms o San Marino

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The coat o airms o San Marino probably oreeginatit in the fowerteent century.

The components o the coat o airms are in detail:

  • In the blue shield thare three green muntains wi three siller touers, that is decoratit wi a weather vane wi a siller ostrich feather. The touers seembolise the three citadels o San Marino (La Guaita, La Cesta an La Montale), while the hills represent the three summits o the Monte Titano. See: The Three Touers o San Marino
  • The slogan "LIBERTAS" (Lat. freedom). It possibly refers tae the takin in o victims o poleetical persecution in the earlier years o San Marino, an tae the amazin maintenance o unthirldom in the midst o mony lairger states. The slogan coud hae developed frae the alleged last wirds o the foonder Marinu "Relinquo vos liberos ab utroque homine" (Lat. "I leave ye free frae baith men").[1]
  • An aik an laurel branch, whilk surroonds the coat o airms are seembols for the stability o the republic an the defence o the leeberty.
  • A croun, whilk sers as seembol o sovereignty.

The coat o airms o San Marino adorns amang ither things the banner o the kintra an the logo o the Sammarinese Federazione Sammarinese Giuoco Calcio.

Notes[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. This somewhat mysterious phrase is maist likely tae refer, tae the twa "men" frae whase oppressive pouer Saunt Marinus haed decidit tae separate hissel, becomin a hermit on Munt Titano: respectively the Emperor an the Pape. This affirmation o freedom (first an foremaist fiscal franchise) frae baith the State an the Kirk, housomever legendary, haes ay been the inspiration o the totty wee republic. (source: "The Republic of San Marino", William Miller, The American Historical Review, Vol. 6, No. 4 (Jul., 1901), pp. 633-649)

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