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Univerzitet Harvard

Koordinate: 42° 22′ 28″ N 71° 07′ 01″ W / 42.37444° S; 71.11694° Z / 42.37444; -71.11694
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Univerzitet Harvard
Harvard University
lat. Universitas Harvardiana
Bivše imeKoledž Harvard
MotoVeritas (latinski)[1]
Moto (na srpskom)Istina
Osnivanje1636.; pre 388 godina (1636)[2]
OsnivačOpšti sud u Masačusetsu
Zadužbina50,9 milijardi $ (2022)[3][4]
PredsednikLorens Bakou
Akademsko osoblje~2.400 članova fakulteta (i >10.400 akademika u nastavnim bolnicama)[5]
Broj studenata21.648 (jesen 2021)[6]
Preddiplomci7.153 (jesen 2021)[6]
Postdiplomci14.495 (jesen 2021)[6]
LokacijaKembridž, Masačusets, SAD
42° 22′ 28″ N 71° 07′ 01″ W / 42.37444° S; 71.11694° Z / 42.37444; -71.11694
ČasopisThe Harvard Crimson
Sportski nadimakKrimsoni
MaskotaDžon Harvard
Univerzitet Harvard

Univerzitet Harvard (engl. Harvard University), ili jednostavno Harvard, je privatni univerzitet smešten u Kembridžu, u saveznoj državi Masačusets.[7] Najstariji je univerzitet u SAD i jedan je od najprestižnijih američkih univerziteta. Član je Lige bršljana. Takođe je i prva i najstarija korporacija u Severnoj Americi osnovana 1636. godine. Nazvan je po svešteniku Džonu Harvardu. Harvard je jedan od najboljih univerziteta u svetu i godišnje daje mnogo naučnika, pisaca i političara koji se kasnije proslave.

Kolonijalno zakonodavstvo Masačusetsa odobrilo je osnivanje Harvarda, „strahujući da prepusti nepismene sveštenike crkvama, kada će naši sadašnji sveštenici preminu“; iako nikada nije bio formalno povezan sa bilo kojom denominacijom, u svojim ranim godinama Harvardski koledž je prvenstveno obučavao kongregaciono sveštenstvo. Njegov nastavni plan i program i studentsko telo postepeno su se sekularizovali tokom 18. veka, a do 19. veka postao je centralni kulturni establišment među bostonskom elitom.[8][9] Nakon Američkog građanskog rata, i dugogodišnjeg mandata predsednika Čarlsa Vilijama Eliota (1869–1909) transformisan je koledž i povezane stručne škole u savremeni istraživački univerzitet; Harvard je postao osnivač Udruženja američkih univerziteta 1900.[10] Džejms B. Konant je prevodio univerzitet kroz Veliku depresiju i Drugi svetski rat; on je liberalizovao prijeme nakon rata.

Univerzitet se sastoji od deset akademskih fakulteta i Radklifovog instituta za napredne studije. Fakultet umetnosti i nauka nudi studije za širok spektar akademskih disciplina za studente i diplomce, dok drugi fakulteti nude samo diplome, uglavnom profesionalne. Harvard ima tri glavna kampusa:[11] kampus Kembridž od 209 acres (85 ha) sa centrom na Harvard Jardu; susedni kampus odmah preko reke Čarls u četvrti Alston u Bostonu; i medicinski kampus u medicinskom području Longvud u Bostonu.[12] Harvardova zadužbina procenjena je na 41,9 milijardi dolara, što je čini najvećom od svih akademskih institucija. Prihodi od zadužbina pomažu osnovnim fakultetima da primaju studente bez obzira na finansijske potrebe i pružaju izdašnu finansijsku pomoć bez kredita.[13] Harvardska biblioteka je najveći svetski akademski bibliotečki sistem, koji se sastoji od 79 pojedinačnih biblioteka sa oko 20,4 miliona stavki.[14][15][16][17]

Harvard kao celina

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Na Harvardskom prostoru i kampusu nalaze se učionice, parkovi, atletski klub, veslački klub, stadion, crkva, knjižara i sve što je studentima potrebno.

Na Harvardu predaju istaknuti profesori sa svih strana sveta. Na njemu se studenti mogu pridružiti grupi koja im najviše odgovara, npr. grupa za sport, šah, biologija ili pak politiku, glumu, pravo itd.

Istraživački instituti

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Na Harvardu se nalaze sledeći istraživački instituti:

  • Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
  • Harvardski Institut za klinička istraživanja
  • Harvardski Institut za ekonomske nauke
  • Harvardski ukrajinski istraživački institut
  • Institute for Quantitative Social Science
  • Redklif Institut za napredne studije
  • Šepens Aj istraživački Institut
  • V. E. B. Du Bojs Institut za istraživanje afričkih i afroameričkih nauka

Poznati bivši studenti

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  1. ^ Samuel Eliot Morison (1968). The Founding of Harvard College. Harvard University Press. str. 329. ISBN 978-0-674-31450-4. Arhivirano iz originala 14. 4. 2021. g. Pristupljeno 17. 10. 2020. 
  2. ^ An appropriation of £400 toward a "school or college" was voted on October 28, 1636 (OS), at a meeting which convened on September 8 and was adjourned to October 28. Some sources consider October 28, 1636 (OS) (November 7, 1636, NS) to be the date of founding. Harvard's 1936 tercentenary celebration treated September 18 as the founding date, though 1836 bicentennial was celebrated on September 8, 1836. Sources: meeting dates, Quincy, Josiah (1860). History of Harvard University. 117 Washington Street, Boston: Crosby, Nichols, Lee and Co. ISBN 9780405100161. , p. 586 Arhivirano septembar 6, 2015 na sajtu Wayback Machine, "At a Court holden September 8th, 1636 and continued by adjournment to the 28th of the 8th month (October, 1636)... the Court agreed to give £400 towards a School or College, whereof £200 to be paid next year...." Tercentenary dates: „Cambridge Birthday”. Time. 28. 9. 1936. Arhivirano iz originala 5. 12. 2012. g. Pristupljeno 8. 9. 2006. : "Harvard claims birth on the day the Massachusetts Great and General Court convened to authorize its founding. This was Sept. 8, 1637 under the Julian calendar. Allowing for the ten-day advance of the Gregorian calendar, Tercentenary officials arrived at Sept. 18 as the date for the third and last big Day of the celebration;" "on Oct. 28, 1636 ... £400 for that 'school or college' [was voted by] the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony." Bicentennial date: Marvin Hightower (2. 9. 2003). „Harvard Gazette: This Month in Harvard History”. Harvard University. Arhivirano iz originala 8. 9. 2006. g. Pristupljeno 15. 9. 2006. , "Sept. 8, 1836 – Some 1,100 to 1,300 alumni flock to Harvard's Bicentennial, at which a professional choir premieres "Fair Harvard." ... guest speaker Josiah Quincy Jr., Class of 1821, makes a motion, unanimously adopted, 'that this assembly of the Alumni be adjourned to meet at this place on September 8, 1936.'" Tercentary opening of Quincy's sealed package: The New York Times, September 9, 1936, p. 24, "Package Sealed in 1836 Opened at Harvard. It Held Letters Written at Bicentenary": "September 8th, 1936: As the first formal function in the celebration of Harvard's tercentenary, the Harvard Alumni Association witnessed the opening by President Conant of the 'mysterious' package sealed by President Josiah Quincy at the Harvard bicentennial in 1836."
  3. ^ Larry Edelman (13. 10. 2022). „Harvard, the richest university, is a little less rich after tough year in the markets”. Boston Globe. Arhivirano iz originala 18. 10. 2022. g. Pristupljeno 18. 10. 2022. 
  4. ^ Financial Report Fiscal Year 2022 (PDF) (Izveštaj). Harvard University. oktobar 2022. str. 7. Arhivirano (PDF) iz originala 19. 10. 2022. g. Pristupljeno 18. 10. 2022. 
  5. ^ „Harvard University Graphic Identity Standards Manual” (PDF). 14. 7. 2017. Arhivirano (PDF) iz originala 19. 7. 2022. g. Pristupljeno 25. 6. 2022. 
  6. ^ a b v „Common Data Set 2021–2022” (PDF). Office of Institutional Research. Harvard University. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 5. 1. 2023. g. Pristupljeno 5. 1. 2023. 
  7. ^
  8. ^ Story, Ronald (1975). „Harvard and the Boston Brahmins: A Study in Institutional and Class Development, 1800–1865”. Journal of Social History. 8 (3): 94—121. doi:10.1353/jsh/8.3.94. 
  9. ^ Farrell, Betty G. (1993). Elite Families: Class and Power in Nineteenth-Century Boston. State University of New York Press. ISBN 0-7914-1593-7. 
  10. ^ „Member Institutions and years of Admission”. Association of American Universities. Pristupljeno 28. 8. 2010. 
  11. ^ „Faculties and Allied Institutions” (PDF). Office of the Provost, Harvard University. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 11. 6. 2010. g. Pristupljeno 27. 8. 2010. 
  12. ^ „Faculties and Allied Institutions” (PDF). Office of the Provost, Harvard University. 2012. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 23. 5. 2013. g. Pristupljeno 15. 6. 2013. 
  13. ^ Kurt, Daniel. „What Harvard Actually Costs”. Investopedia. Pristupljeno 30. 7. 2020. 
  14. ^ „Harvard Library Annual Report FY 2013”. Harvard University Library. 2013. Arhivirano iz originala 9. 6. 2016. g. Pristupljeno 3. 1. 2015. 
  15. ^ „The Nation's Largest Libraries: A Listing By Volumes Held”. American Library Association. maj 2009. Arhivirano iz originala 24. 08. 2011. g. Pristupljeno 19. 8. 2009. 
  16. ^ „Speaking Volumes”. Harvard Gazette. The President and Fellows of Harvard College. 26. 2. 1998. Arhivirano iz originala 9. 9. 1999. g. 
  17. ^ Harvard Media Relations. „Quick Facts”. Arhivirano iz originala 12. 11. 2019. g. Pristupljeno 12. 12. 2019. 


[uredi | uredi izvor]
  • Abelmann, Walter H., ed. The Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology: The First 25 Years, 1970–1995 (2004). 346 pp.
  • Beecher, Henry K. and Altschule, Mark D. Medicine at Harvard: The First 300 Years (1977). 569 pp.
  • Bentinck-Smith, William, ed. The Harvard Book: Selections from Three Centuries (2d ed.1982). 499 pp.
  • Bethell, John T.; Hunt, Richard M.; and Shenton, Robert. Harvard A to Z (2004). 396 pp. excerpt and text search
  • Bethell, John T. Harvard Observed: An Illustrated History of the University in the Twentieth Century, Harvard University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-674-37733-8
  • Bunting, Bainbridge. Harvard: An Architectural History (1985). 350 pp.
  • Carpenter, Kenneth E. The First 350 Years of the Harvard University Library: Description of an Exhibition (1986). 216 pp.
  • Cuno, James et al. Harvard's Art Museums: 100 Years of Collecting (1996). 364 pp.
  • Elliott, Clark A. and Rossiter, Margaret W., eds. Science at Harvard University: Historical Perspectives (1992). 380 pp.
  • Hall, Max. Harvard University Press: A History (1986). 257 pp.
  • Hay, Ida. Science in the Pleasure Ground: A History of the Arnold Arboretum (1995). 349 pp.
  • Hoerr, John, We Can't Eat Prestige: The Women Who Organized Harvard; Temple University Press, 1997, ISBN 1-56639-535-6
  • Howells, Dorothy Elia. A Century to Celebrate: Radcliffe College, 1879–1979 (1978). 152 pp.
  • Keller, Morton, and Phyllis Keller. Making Harvard Modern: The Rise of America's University (2001), major history covers 1933 to 2002 online edition Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (2. јул 2012)
  • Lewis, Harry R. Excellence Without a Soul: How a Great University Forgot Education (2006) ISBN 1-58648-393-5
  • Morison, Samuel Eliot. Three Centuries of Harvard, 1636–1936 (1986) 512pp; excerpt and text search
  • Powell, Arthur G. The Uncertain Profession: Harvard and the Search for Educational Authority (1980). 341 pp.
  • Reid, Robert. Year One: An Intimate Look inside Harvard Business School (1994). 331 pp.
  • Rosovsky, Henry. The University: An Owner's Manual (1991). 312 pp.
  • Rosovsky, Nitza. The Jewish Experience at Harvard and Radcliffe (1986). 108 pp.
  • Seligman, Joel. The High Citadel: The Influence of Harvard Law School (1978). 262 pp.
  • Sollors, Werner; Titcomb, Caldwell; and Underwood, Thomas A., eds. Blacks at Harvard: A Documentary History of African-American Experience at Harvard and Radcliffe (1993). 548 pp.
  • Trumpbour, John, ed., How Harvard Rules. Reason in the Service of Empire, Boston: South End Press, 1989, ISBN 0-89608-283-0
  • Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher, ed., Yards and Gates: Gender in Harvard and Radcliffe History, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. 337 pp.
  • Winsor, Mary P. Reading the Shape of Nature: Comparative Zoology at the Agassiz Museum (1991). 324 pp.
  • Wright, Conrad Edick. Revolutionary Generation: Harvard Men and the Consequences of Independence (2005). 298 pp.

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