Пређи на садржај

Такође погледајте:
U+4E0A, 上

CJK Unified Ideographs


Редослед писања
3 потеза
Редослед писања

Han character

(Kangxi radical 1, +2, 3 strokes, cangjie input 卜一 (YM), четири-угла 21100, composition)

Derived characters


  • KangXi: page 76, карактер 7
  • Dai Kanwa Jiten: карактер 13
  • Dae Jaweon: страна 145, карактер 1
  • Hanyu Da Zidian: том 1, страна 5, карактер 4
  • Unihan data за U+4E0A


једн. and трад.
alternative forms ancient
Min Nan “most”

Glyph origin

Историјски облици карактера
Shang Spring and Autumn Warring States Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) Liushutong (compiled in Ming) Libian (compiled in Qing)
Oracle bone script Bronze inscriptions Bronze inscriptions Chu Slip and silk script Qin slip script Ancient script Small seal script Transcribed ancient scripts Clerical script
Знакови у истом фонетском низу () (Zhengzhang, 2003) 
Стари Кинески

Ideogram (指事 (zhǐshì)) : a line above another (contrast ) — up. Originally written as 𠄞, but changed to this form to prevent confusion with (èr).

Etymology 1

From From Proto-Sino-Tibetan *s-tjaŋ (top). Cognate with Tibetan སྟེང (steng), Tibetan ཡང་རྩེ (yang rtse, summit; pinnacle) (Bodman, 1980), Mizo zo (to be high), zah (to respect; to revere). STEDT, on the other hand, considers to be from Proto-Sino-Tibetan *s-tjaŋ (upper part; rise; raise; top; summit).

Shijing rimes indicate occasional level tone for pronunciation 2 (Schuessler, 2007).

Pronunciation 1 is the exopassive of pronunciation 2 with suffix *-s, literally meaning "what has been raised" (Schuessler, 2007). The rising tone in Middle Chinese words with voiced stop initials regularly evolves into departing tone in Mandarin; pronunciation 3 results from 叶韻, which artificially preserves classical poetry rhyming words' pronunciations.

Pronunciation 1

Lua грешка in Модул:wuu-pron at line 162: Incorrect tone notation "3" for sh. See WT:AZH/Wu..


  1. upper part; high position; up
  2. emperor
  3. on; above
      ―  shùshàng  ―  on the tree
      ―  Bǐ zài zhuōshàng.  ―  The pen is on the desk.
  4. superior; senior; top
  5. preceding; previous; last; former
      ―  shàng yī nián  ―  last year
      ―  shàng  ―  last episode
    世紀世纪  ―  shàng shìjì  ―  last century
  6. first of several (usually two or three) partitions
    Antonyms: (zhōng),
    西遊記西游记  ―  Xīyóujì shàng  ―  Journey to the West I
    古漢語中古漢語 [MSC, trad.]
    古汉语中古汉语 [MSC, simp.]
    shànggǔ hànyǔ hé zhōnggǔ hànyǔ [Pinyin]
    Old Chinese and Middle Chinese
  7. within; in; from the standpoint of; according to
    理論理论  ―  zài lǐlùn shàng  ―  according to theory
    這個世界这个世界  ―  zài zhège shìjiè shàng  ―  in this world
    英文沒有相似說法 [MSC, trad.]
    英文没有相似说法 [MSC, simp.]
    Zài yīngwén shàng méiyǒu xiàngsì de shuōfǎ. [Pinyin]
    There is no similar way of wording in English.
  8. (Min Nan) most; extremely

Pronunciation 2

Lua грешка in Модул:wuu-pron at line 162: Incorrect tone notation "3" for sh. See WT:AZH/Wu..


  1. to go up; to ascend
  2. to charge; to advance
      ―  Shàng a!  ―  Charge!
  3. to go to; to leave for (a place) (usually to a more developed place)
    省城  ―  shàng xǐngchéng  ―  to go to the province capital
  4. to board; to get on
      ―  Qǐng shàng chē.  ―  Please get into the car.
  5. to serve; to present; to offer
    還有 [MSC, trad.]
    还有 [MSC, simp.]
    Háiyǒu liǎng ge cài méi shàng. [Pinyin]
    There're two dishes that haven't been served.
      ―  Shàng bǐ hé zhǐ lái.  ―  Give me the pen and the paper.
  6. to attend (class, work)
      ―  shàngbān  ―  to go to work
    夜校  ―  shàng yèxiào.  ―  She goes to night school.
  7. to enter (a field); to appear (on stage, TV)
  8. to fit; to install; to apply
    油漆  ―  shàng yóuqī  ―  to apply paint
  9. to screw; to tighten, to twist
  10. (colloquial) Шаблон:zh-abbrev
  11. to connect to; browse (a website)
    谷歌  ―  shàng Gǔgē  ―  to go on Google; to google
  12. (Min) to pull upwards or hang with a rope
    [Hokkien]  ―  chhiūⁿ-chúi [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]  ―  to draw water from a well
  13. (Min Nan) to grow and attach
    青苔 [Hokkien]  ―  chhiūⁿ 青-tâi [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]  ―  to grow moss
  14. (Xiamen Min Nan) to pile up
    [Hokkien]  ―  chhiūⁿ [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]  ―  to pile up goods
  15. (vulgar, usually of a male) to fuck; to have intercourse (usually with a female)
  16. Particle following verbs, indicating direction or achievement.
    安排  ―  Ānpái shàng le.  ―  It has been arranged.
  17. 7th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "ascension" (𝌌)
  18. (mahjong, Cantonese) chow; to call a discarded tile to produce a chow
Usage notes
  • When playing mahjong in Cantonese, a player may say this word as a call when forming a chowing another player's discard

Pronunciation 3

Lua грешка in Модул:wuu-pron at line 162: Incorrect tone notation "3" for sh. See WT:AZH/Wu..


  1. (~聲) (Chinese phonetics) rising tone in Chinese phonetics
See also
The tones (of Chinese) in Кинески · 聲調声调 (layout · text)





四角標調法四角标调法 ꜀◌ ꜂◌ ◌꜄ ◌꜆
[Терм?] ◌〪 ◌〫 ◌〬 ◌〭
[Терм?] ◌〮 ◌〯
-X -H -p -t -k (-ʔ)
四聲八調四声八调 陰平阴平 陽平阳平 陰上阴上 陽上阳上 陰去阴去 陽去阳去 陰入阴入 陽入阳入
四角標調法四角标调法 ꜀◌ ꜁◌ ꜂◌ ꜃◌ ◌꜄ ◌꜅ ◌꜆ ◌꜇
The tones (of Standard Mandarin) in Кинески · 聲調声调 (layout · text)
四聲四声 陰平阴平



Sino-Xenic ():
  • Јапански: (じょう) ()
  • Корејски: 상(上) (sang)
  • Вијетнамски: thượng (, upper), thướng (, to go up)

Etymology 2

За изговор и дефиниције од – види .
(Овај character, , је the second-round simplified облик од .)

Etymology 3

За изговор и дефиниције од – види .
(Овај character, , је the second-round simplified облик од .)

Further reading



(Први grade kyōiku kanji)

  1. above, high, up
  2. earlier
  3. excellent, top
  4. certain time or place in the past
  5. limit
  6. climb, rise
  7. offer
  8. go to the center
  9. raise, bring up
  10. one of the four tones of Middle Chinese
  11. short for 上野国 (Kōzuke no kuni): Kōzuke Province



Etymology 1

Kanji in this term
Степен: 1


From Old Japanese, from Proto-Japonic *upay.

Bound apophonic form of uwa, ancient upa (see below), possibly by fusion with an emphatic nominal particle (i).


Lua грешка in Модул:ja-pron at line 78: Parameter "yomi" is not used by this template..


(うえ) (ueうへ (ufe)?

  1. the above
    Ue o Muite Arukō”
    Walk Looking Up
  2. the top Галицијски
    hako no ue
    top of the box
  3. the surface of
    mizu no ue ni ukabu
    to float upon the water
  4. superior in skill, age, level, etc.
    hitotsu ue no senpai
    senior who is one year older
    futamawari-ue no jōshi
    boss who is 20 years older (than someone else)
Derived terms


(うえ) (-ueうへ (ufe)?

  1. suffix addressing to a superior
Derived terms

Proper noun

(うえ) (Ueうへ (ufe)?

  1. A презиме​.

Etymology 2

Kanji in this term
Степен: 1


From Old Japanese, from Proto-Japonic *upa. The combining form of ue, ancient upe (see above).[1]


Lua грешка in Модул:ja-pron at line 78: Parameter "yomi" is not used by this template..


(うわ) (uwaうは (ufa)?

  1. upper, over
Derived terms

Proper noun

(うわ) (Uwaうは (ufa)?

  1. a place name

Etymology 3

Kanji in this term

Степен: 1
Kanji in this term

Степен: 1

⟨upe2⟨pe2 → */pe//fe//he/

Short-form of or shift from ue, ancient upe (see above). Realized as -e in some compounds.


Lua грешка in Модул:ja-pron at line 78: Parameter "yomi" is not used by this template.. Lua грешка in Модул:ja-pron at line 78: Parameter "yomi" is not used by this template..

Usage notes

The senses are the same with ue.

Derived terms

Etymology 4

Kanji in this term
Степен: 1

⟨kami1 → */kamʲi//kami/

From Old Japanese. Already apparent in ancient texts such as the Kojiki (c. 712 CE) and the Man'yōshū (c. 759 CE).[1][2]

Distinct from (⟨kami2kami, Shinto deity).


Lua грешка in Модул:ja-pron at line 78: Parameter "yomi" is not used by this template..


(かみ) (kami

  1. the start
  2. a high place; the top
  3. one with higher rank
Derived terms

Proper noun

(かみ) (Kami

  1. a place name
  2. A презиме​.

Etymology 5

Kanji in this term
Степен: 1


Contraction of Old Japanese ⟨kami1. Spelled in ancient works as かむ (kamu) prior to the development of the (n) kana.[1][2][3]


Lua грешка in Модул:ja-pron at line 78: Parameter "yomi" is not used by this template..


(かん) (kan

  1. (obsolete) Same as かみ (kami) above
Usage notes

Generally only found when followed by the genitive / possessive particles (no) or (tsu).

Derived terms

Proper noun

(かん) (Kan

  1. a place name

Etymology 6

Kanji in this term
Степен: 1


From Middle Chinese .


Lua грешка in Модул:ja-pron at line 78: Parameter "yomi" is not used by this template..

  • Pitch accent for suffix unknown.


(じょう) (じやう (zyau)?

  1. the first volume in a two- or three-volume set
    Антоним: (ge)


(じょう) (-jōじやう (zyau)?

  1. from the standpoint of...
    riron- wa arienai koto
    something that is impossible according to theory
    hōritsu- no sōshō
    legal dispute
  2. aboard Галицијски
  3. above, in, on
Derived terms

Proper noun

(じょう) (じやう (zyau)?

  1. A презиме​.


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Грешка код цитирања: Неважећа ознака <ref>; нема текста за референце под именом DJR.
  2. 2,0 2,1 Shōgaku Tosho (1988) 国語大辞典(新装版) [Unabridged Dictionary of Japanese (Revised Edition)] (in Јапански), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN
  3. 1995, 大辞泉 (Daijisen) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN  4-09-501211-0



(eumhun (wit sang))

  1. Hanja form? of (up; top; first; best).



Han character

: Hán Việt readings: thượng-tdcntd;gdhn;bonet;genibrel ((thì)(lượng)(thiết))
: Nôm readings: thượng-tdcntd;bonet;genibrel;taberd

  1. Hán tự form of thượng, “upper; higher; top





пинјин: shàng  
Аудио: (датотека)






  1. 21 耶穌 他們底下底下燈臺
    1. 21 Yēsū yòu duì tāmen shuō, rén ná dēng lái, qǐ shì yào fàng zài dòu dǐxia, chuáng dǐxia, bù fàng zài dēngtái shàng me.
      1. 21. И говораше им: Еда ли се свећа ужиже да се метне под суд или под одар? А не да се на свећњак метне?
        1. Мат. 5:15, Лука 8:16, Лука 11:33







ХСК ниво:




Изведене речи:

  1. 一上
  2. 三上
  3. 上丁
  4. 上上 (shàngshàng)
  5. 上下 (shàngxià)
  6. 上不來上不来
  7. 上不去 (shàngbùqù)
  8. 上不著天下不著地 (shàngbùzháotiān, xiàbùzháodì)
  9. 上世 (shàngshì)
  10. 上中農上中农 (shàngzhōngnóng)
  11. 上乘 (shàngchéng)
  12. 上九
  13. 上京 (shàngjīng)
  14. 上人 (shàngrén)
  15. 上人兒上人儿
  16. 上仙
  17. 上代 (shàngdài)
  18. 上任 (shàngrèn)
  19. 上位 (shàngwèi)
  20. 上來上来 (shànglái)
  21. 上供 (shànggòng)
  22. 上僂上偻 (shànglǚ)
  23. 上元 (Shàngyuán)
  24. 上公
  25. 上凍上冻 (shàngdòng)
  26. 上分 (shàngfen)
  27. 上刑 (shàngxíng)
  28. 上列 (shàngliè)
  29. 上則上则 (shàngzé)
  30. 上前 (shàngqián)
  31. 上剎上刹
  32. 上勁上劲 (shàngjìn)
  33. 上升 (shàngshēng)
  34. 上午 (shàngwǔ)
  35. 上半 (shàngbàn)
  36. 上半場上半场 (shàngbànchǎng)
  37. 上半年 (shàngbànnián)
  38. 上半截 (shàngbànjié)
  39. 上半時上半时
  40. 上半晌 (shàngbànshǎng)
  41. 上半晌兒上半晌儿 (shàngbànshǎngr)
  42. 上卿
  43. 上去 (shàngqù)
  44. 上口 (shàngkǒu)
  45. 上古 (shànggǔ)
  46. 上司 (shàngsī)
  47. 上吊 (shàngdiào)
  48. 上告 (shànggào)
  49. 上命 (shàngmìng)
  50. 上品 (shàngpǐn)
  51. 上回 (shànghuí)
  52. 上圈套 (shàngquāntào)
  53. 上國上国
  54. 上坡 (shàngpō)
  55. 上堂 (shàngtáng)
  56. 上報上报 (shàngbào)
  57. 上場上场 (shàngchǎng)
  58. 上墳上坟 (shàngfén)
  59. 上士 (shàngshì)
  60. 上壽上寿 (shàngshòu)
  61. 上夜 (shàngyè)
  62. 上天 (shàngtiān)
  63. 上天無路入地無門上天无路入地无门 (shàngtiānwúlù, rùdìwúmén)
  64. 上套 (shàngtào)
  65. 上好 (shànghǎo)
  66. 上妝上妆 (shàngzhuāng)
  67. 上學上学 (shàngxué)
  68. 上官 (shàngguān)
  69. 上客 (shàngkè)
  70. 上家 (shàngjiā)
  71. 上宿
  72. 上將上将 (shàngjiàng)
  73. 上尉 (shàngwèi)
  74. 上尊
  75. 上屋 (shàngwū)
  76. 上層上层 (shàngcéng)
  77. 上山 (shàngshān)
  78. 上岸 (shàng'àn)
  79. 上峰 (shàngfēng)
  80. 上工 (shànggōng)
  81. 上己菜
  82. 上巳
  83. 上市 (shàngshì)
  84. 上帝 (Shàngdì)
  85. 上師上师
  86. 上席
  87. 上帳上帐 (shàngzhàng)
  88. 上年 (shàngnián)
  89. 上床 (shàngchuáng)
  90. 上庠 (shàngxiáng)
  91. 上座 (shàngzuò)
  92. 上弔上吊
  93. 上弦 (shàngxián)
  94. 上彩 (shàngcǎi)
  95. 上心 (shàngxīn)
  96. 上愚 (shàngyú)
  97. 上愬上诉
  98. 上戶上户 (shànghù)
  99. 上房 (shàngfáng)
  100. 上手 (shàngshǒu)
  101. 上捐 (shàngjuān)
  102. 上揚上扬 (shàngyáng)
  103. 上操 (shàngcāo)
  104. 上文 (shàngwén)
  105. 上方 (shàngfāng)
  106. 上方寶劍上方宝剑 (shàngfāng bǎojiàn)
  107. 上日 (shàngrì)
  108. 上旬 (shàngxún)
  109. 上昇上升
  110. 上星期 (shàngxīngqī)
  111. 上映 (shàngyìng)
  112. 上晝上昼 (shàngzhòu)
  113. 上智 (shàngzhì)
  114. 上書上书 (shàngshū)
  115. 上會上会 (shànghuì)
  116. 上有老下有小
  117. 上服
  118. 上朝 (shàngcháo)
  119. 上板兒上板儿
  120. 上校 (shàngxiào)
  121. 上桌 (shàngzhuō)
  122. 上梁
  123. 上梓 (shàngzǐ)
  124. 上梢
  125. 上榜 (shàngbǎng)
  126. 上樁上桩
  127. 上樓上楼 (shànglóu)
  128. 上樣上样
  129. 上檔上档
  130. 上檯上台
  131. 上次 (shàngcì)
  132. 上款 (shàngkuǎn)
  133. 上氣不接下氣上气不接下气 (shàngqì bù jiē xiàqì)
  134. 上水 (shàngshuǐ)
  135. 上江 (shàngjiāng)
  136. 上油 (shàngyóu)
  137. 上活 (shànghuó)
  138. 上流 (shàngliú)
  139. 上浣 (shànghuàn)
  140. 上浮 (shàngfú)
  141. 上海 (Shànghǎi)
  142. 上清
  143. 上游 (shàngyóu)
  144. 上湯上汤
  145. 上溯 (shàngsù)
  146. 上演 (shàngyǎn)
  147. 上演稅上演税
  148. 上漲上涨 (shàngzhǎng)
  149. 上漿上浆 (shàngjiāng)
  150. 上火 (shànghuǒ)
  151. 上灶 (shàngzào)
  152. 上焦 (shàngjiāo)
  153. 上燈上灯 (shàngdēng)
  154. 上片 (shàngpiàn)
  155. 上班 (shàngbān)
  156. 上班兒上班儿 (shàngbānr)
  157. 上界 (shàngjiè)
  158. 上畫上画 (shànghuà)
  159. 上當上当 (shàngdàng)
  160. 上疏 (shàngshū)
  161. 上癮上瘾 (shàngyǐn)
  162. 上皇 (shànghuáng)
  163. 上相 (shàngxiàng)
  164. 上真 (shàngzhēn)
  165. 上眼 (shàngyǎn)
  166. 上眼皮
  167. 上眼皮兒上眼皮儿
  168. 上知 (shàngzhì)
  169. 上知天文下知地理 (shàng zhī tiānwén, xià zhī dìlǐ)
  170. 上祭
  171. 上稅上税 (shàngshuì)
  172. 上空 (shàngkōng)
  173. 上窮碧落下黃泉上穷碧落下黄泉 (shàng qióng bì luò xià huángquán)
  174. 上第 (shàngdì)
  175. 上等 (shàngděng)
  176. 上策 (shàngcè)
  177. 上算 (shàngsuàn)
  178. 上簇
  179. 上紙上纸 (shàngzhǐ)
  180. 上級上级 (shàngjí)
  181. 上綁上绑 (shàngbǎng)
  182. 上網上网 (shàngwǎng)
  183. 上緊上紧 (shàngjǐn)
  184. 上線上线 (shàngxiàn)
  185. 上聖上圣 (shàngshèng)
  186. 上聞上闻 (shàngwén)
  187. 上聯上联 (shànglián)
  188. 上聯兒上联儿 (shàngliánr)
  189. 上聲上声 (shǎngshēng)
  190. 上肢 (shàngzhī)
  191. 上腰
  192. 上膛 (shàngtáng)
  193. 上臂 (shàngbì)
  194. 上臉上脸 (shàngliǎn)
  195. 上臕
  196. 上臺上台 (shàngtái)
  197. 上舍
  198. 上色 (shàngsè)
  199. 上苑 (shàngyuàn)
  200. 上草 (shàngcǎo)
  201. 上菜 (shàngcài)
  202. 上落 (shàngluò)
  203. 上蒼上苍 (shàngcāng)
  204. 上蓋上盖
  205. 上藥上药 (shàngyào)
  206. 上行 (shàngxíng)
  207. 上行下效 (shàngxíngxiàxiào)
  208. 上街 (shàngjiē)
  209. 上衣 (shàngyī)
  210. 上表 (shàngbiǎo)
  211. 上裝上装 (shàngzhuāng)
  212. 上覆 (shàngfù)
  213. 上計上计 (shàngjì)
  214. 上訪上访 (shàngfǎng)
  215. 上訴上诉 (shàngsù)
  216. 上詳上详 (shàngxiáng)
  217. 上課上课 (shàngkè)
  218. 上諭上谕 (shàngyù)
  219. 上謁上谒 (shàngyè)
  220. 上議院上议院 (shàngyìyuàn)
  221. 上貨上货 (shànghuò)
  222. 上賊船上贼船
  223. 上賓上宾 (shàngbīn)
  224. 上賬上账
  225. 上足
  226. 上路 (shànglù)
  227. 上身 (shàngshēn)
  228. 上車上车 (shàngchē)
  229. 上輩上辈 (shàngbèi)
  230. 上述 (shàngshù)
  231. 上進上进 (shàngjìn)
  232. 上道
  233. 上達上达 (shàngdá)
  234. 上選上选 (shànxuǎn)
  235. 上邊上边 (shàngbiān)
  236. 上邊兒上边儿
  237. 上邦 (shàngbāng)
  238. 上部 (shàngbù)
  239. 上都 (Shàngdū)
  240. 上醫上医 (shàngyī)
  241. 上釉 (shàngyòu)
  242. 上鉤上钩 (shànggōu)
  243. 上鎖上锁 (shàngsuǒ)
  244. 上門上门 (shàngmén)
  245. 上閂上闩 (shàngshuān)
  246. 上限 (shàngxiàn)
  247. 上陣上阵 (shàngzhèn)
  248. 上面 (shàngmiàn)
  249. 上面兒上面儿 (shàngmiànr)
  250. 上鞋 (shàngxié)
  251. 上頭上头 (shàngtou)
  252. 上顎上颚 (shàng'è)
  253. 上風上风 (shàngfēng)
  254. 上首 (shàngshǒu)
  255. 上香 (shàngxiāng)
  256. 上馬上马 (shàngmǎ)
  257. 上駟上驷 (shàngsì)
  258. 上體上体 (shàngtǐ)
  259. 上鬟 (shànghuán)
  260. 不上 (bùshàng)
  261. 世上 (shìshàng)
  262. 中上
  263. 主上 (zhǔshàng)
  264. 今上 (jīnshàng)
  265. 以上 (yǐshàng)
  266. 分上
  267. 刮上
  268. 北上 (běishàng)
  269. 占上
  270. 卯上
  271. 合上
  272. 同上 (tóngshàng)
  273. 向上 (xiàngshàng)
  274. 呈上
  275. 地上 (dìshang)
  276. 堂上 (tángshàng)
  277. 天上 (tiānshàng)
  278. 太上
  279. 奉上
  280. 安上
  281. 尊上
  282. 對上对上 (duìshàng)
  283. 席上
  284. 幕上
  285. 府上 (fǔshàng)
  286. 庭上
  287. 心上
  288. 怯上
  289. 扒上
  290. 搶上抢上
  291. 撲上扑上
  292. 敝上
  293. 敬上
  294. 早上 (zǎoshàng)
  295. 春上
  296. 晚上 (wǎnshang)
  297. 末上
  298. 榻上
  299. 樓上楼上 (lóushàng)
  300. 櫃上柜上
  301. 海上 (hǎishàng)
  302. 濮上
  303. 炎上
  304. 無上无上 (wúshàng)
  305. 犯上 (fànshàng)
  306. 界上
  307. 皇上 (huángshang)
  308. 直上
  309. 看上 (kànshàng)
  310. 瞧上
  311. 破上
  312. 祖上
  313. 禮上礼上
  314. 算上
  315. 綿上绵上
  316. 聖上圣上 (shèngshàng)
  317. 臉上脸上
  318. 至上 (zhìshàng)
  319. 茶上
  320. 街上 (jiēshàng)
  321. 誑上诳上
  322. 謹上谨上
  323. 貴上贵上
  324. 趕上赶上 (gǎnshàng)
  325. 跟上
  326. 路上 (lùshàng)
  327. 身上 (shēnshàng)
  328. 近上
  329. 遇上
  330. 道上
  331. 邁上迈上
  332. 配上
  333. 長上长上
  334. 門上门上
  335. 閉上闭上 (bìshang)
  336. 闔上阖上
  337. 霸上
  338. 面上
  339. 頂上顶上
  340. 馬上马上 (mǎshàng)
  341. 高上

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  • [archchinese.com [1]]
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  • [wordproject.org [4]]

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