
Doubles the chance that enemies will drop Mods, Endo, and Arcanes.
—In-game Description

The Mod Drop Chance Booster doubles the chance of Mod, Endo, and Arcane Enhancement drops.


A 3-day booster can be obtained as a reward from Sorties, Archon Hunts, and the Steel Path track of The Circuit.

A 3-day booster is also offered as a periodic item for sale by Baro Ki'Teer, costing OrokinDucats 500 and Credits64 175,000 to purchase. Note that Baro Ki'Teer's stock changes with each appearance, and may not be available on a succeeding appearance.


  • Doubles the chance of rolling an enemy's Mod, Endo, and Arcane drop table.
    • Does not affect drops from mission reward tables or Resource Cache drop tables.
  • A Mod Drop Chance Booster becomes active immediately upon purchase and expires after the indicated days of real-time (not time played in the game).
  • All Boosters are cumulative, meaning that purchasing or attaining additional boosters while a booster is already active will add their time to the existing booster.
  • Like the Resource Drop Chance Booster, the Mod Drop Chance Booster is applied to the whole team. This means all players on the team will have increased Mod Drop Chance from one player's Booster, regardless of who does the killing.
  • Multiple Mod Drop Chance Boosters from more than one player on the team do not stack.
  • A Mod Drop Chance Booster is automatically applied during any Steel Path mission.
    • All Steel Path missions have an innate 2x Mod Drop Chance from the active modifiers (without a booster).
    • This itself can be stacked with a single Mod Drop Chance Booster from any of the players on the team, giving a maximum total 4x Mod Drop Chance.
  • Does not apply to bosses.

Patch History[]

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

  • Updated Mod Drop Chance Booster description to include its impact on Endo and Arcane Drop rates.
    • Now reads: “Doubles the chance that enemies will drop Mods, Endo, and Arcanes.”

Hotfix 30.7.4 (2021-09-14)

  • Fixed Boosters not including hours left when above 1 day remaining.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

  • Fixed the Mod Drop Chance Booster text getting cut off in the Booster UI section.

Update 25.8 (2019-10-01)

  • Introduced.

See Also[]
