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This statement should remain unchanged


If this statement changes that will be a sign that somebody with higher privileges should lock this account permanently. With that said let me put in text the statement I want to be here:

This account should never be allowed to vote, if it can be barred from voting, please do so, otherwise, take this statement into consideration when taking actions. It should only be allowed to participate in discussions and other edits.

End of statement.

The permalink to this statement is: Statement of intent: As creator of this account I'd like to add further restrictions to this account than those already given by default. Why I would like to do that might be a complex question to answer. If you are curious please ask but maybe again maybe I will not have a satisfying answer. My purpose is to help the project. This username is Epiphathelightny and to shortly explain how I made it I used three words: "Epiphany", "the" and "light"(if it now is proper to call each of one of these 3 combinations of letters words)

Babel user information
el-N Αυτός ο χρήστης έχει εγγενή κατανόηση Ελληνικών.
sv-3 Den här användaren har avancerade kunskaper i svenska.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
Users by language