
Parkinson ê pēⁿ

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Parkinson's disease
Other names Parkinson disease, idiopathic or primary parkinsonism, hypokinetic rigid syndrome, paralysis agitans, shaking palsy
Two sketches (one from the front and one from the right side) of a man, with an expressionless face. He is stooped forward and is presumably having difficulty walking.
Illustration of (advanced) Parkinson's disease by William Richard Gowers, first published in A Manual of Diseases of the Nervous System (1886), and based on 1879 photographs attributed to Albert Londe[1][2]
Specialty Neurology
Symptoms Tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement, difficulty walking[3]
Complications Dementia, depression, anxiety,[4] eating problems, and sleep problems[5]
Usual onset Age over 60[3][6]
Causes Unknown[7]
Risk factors Pesticide exposure, head injuries[7]
Diagnostic method Based on symptoms[3]
Differential diagnosis Dementia with Lewy bodies, progressive supranuclear palsy, essential tremor, antipsychotic use[8]
Treatment Medications, surgery[3]
Medication L-DOPA, dopamine agonists[4]
Prognosis Life expectancy about 7–15 years[9]
Frequency 6.2 million (2015)[10]
Deaths 117,400 (2015)[11]
Named after James Parkinson

Pa-kin-sng-pēⁿ (Ji̍t-gí:パーキンソンびょう, Eng-gí:Parkinson’s disease) sī chi̍t-chióng bān-sèng náu-kin thè-hoà ê chi̍t-pēⁿ, tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ ē hóng-gāi hoān-chiá ūn-tōng kap kóng-oē ê lêng-le̍k. Tī 1817 nî, Eng-kok ê James Parkinson i-su kā i thê-chhut. Pa-kin-sng-pēⁿpa-kin-sng-chèng (Eng-gí:parkinsonism) kî-tiong siāng-chia̍p khoàiⁿ ê chi̍t-chióng.

Chit-ê pēⁿ ê chèng-thâu kah ūn-tōng kong-lêng chiòng-gāi ū-tî-tāi, chú-iàu-ê ū 4 ê:

  1. hoān-chiá tiām-chēng ē sin-thé phî-phî-chhoah (resting tremor),
  2. sin-khu ngē-chiáⁿ (rigidity),
  3. kha-chhiú-bān-tūn (bradykinesia),
  4. kha-pō͘ thām-thē.

Kî-thaⁿ chhù-iàu ê chèng-thâu koh-ū: siá-jī sè-sè-jī-á, piáu-chêng chiâⁿ-chió, chiâⁿ-chió nih-ba̍k-chiu, thun-chia̍h-mi̍h thun-bô-sáⁿ-ē-lo̍h, kóng-oē sè-sè-siaⁿ-á, kiâⁿ-lō͘ sè-kah-pō͘-á, jú-kiâⁿ sī jú-kín, kiâⁿ-lō͘ koh chhiú bē hài-tín-tāng, téng-téng. Chit-ê pēⁿ mā-ū kah chū-chú sîn-keng hē-thóng chiòng-gāi ū-tî-tāi ê chèng-thâu, chhin-chhiūⁿ chu-thài-sèng kē-hiat-ap, piān-pì, kap sēng-kong-lêng chiòng-gāi, téng-téng; mā-ū kah kám-kak kong-lêng koh-iūⁿ ū-tî-tāi ê chèng-thâu, chhiūⁿ-kóng chhiú-kap-kha thàng-thiàⁿ, phái-phīⁿ-chhoē (hiù-kak koh-iūⁿ), chit-koá-á.

In-toaⁿ khí-lí

[siu-kái | kái goân-sí-bé]

Chit-ê pēⁿ ê in-toaⁿ khí-lí ah-bô chiâⁿ hun-bêng, lâng leh kóng sī kah náu-kin ē-té ê basal ganglia kap substantial nigra ê náu-sè-pau khoài-kín thè-hoà, bô-hoat-tō͘ seⁿ-sêng ū-kàu-giah ê sîn-keng ín-chhoā bu̍t-chit, hō-chò tô-phá-mín (Eng-gí:dopamine), a-sit-toh-kho-lín (Eng-gí: acetylcholine) ê chok-iōng cheng-ka ū tî-tāi. Náu-kin lāi-té su-iàu tô-phá-mín lâi chhoā-chhau ki-bah ê oa̍h-tōng, nā tô-phá-mín bô kàu-gia̍h tio̍h-ē sán-seng chē-chē ê oa̍h-tōng chiòng-gāi.

Náu-chhim-pō͘ chhì-kek-liâu-hoat (Eng-gí:Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) ) sī chit cha̍p-kúi-nî lâi tī-liâu Pa-kin-sng-pēⁿ ê sin hoat-tō͘, kah io̍h-bu̍t tī-liâu tâng-chê chò-hoé sú-iōng, ē-sái-tit kái-siān pēⁿ-chêng chiâⁿ-chē.

  1. "Art and Medicine Bibliography, Paul de Saint-Léger". Art and Medicine. 
  2. Lewis PA, Plun-Favreau H, Rowley M, Spillane J (March 2020). "Pierre D. and the First Photographs of Parkinson's Disease". Movement Disorders. 35 (3): 389–391. doi:10.1002/MDS.27965. PMID 31975439. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Ín-iōng chhò-gō͘: Bû-hāu ê <ref> tag; chhōe bô chí-miâ ê ref bûn-jī NIH2016
  4. 4.0 4.1 Ín-iōng chhò-gō͘: Bû-hāu ê <ref> tag; chhōe bô chí-miâ ê ref bûn-jī Sv2016
  5. "Parkinson's disease – Symptoms and causes". Mayo Clinic. 
  6. Ín-iōng chhò-gō͘: Bû-hāu ê <ref> tag; chhōe bô chí-miâ ê ref bûn-jī Car2016
  7. 7.0 7.1 Ín-iōng chhò-gō͘: Bû-hāu ê <ref> tag; chhōe bô chí-miâ ê ref bûn-jī Lancet2015
  8. Ferri FF (2010). "Chapter P". Ferri's differential diagnosis: a practical guide to the differential diagnosis of symptoms, signs, and clinical disorders (2nd pán.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier/Mosby. ISBN 978-0323076999. 
  9. Macleod AD, Taylor KS, Counsell CE (November 2014). "Mortality in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis". Movement Disorders. 29 (13): 1615–1622. doi:10.1002/mds.25898. PMID 24821648.  Unknown parameter |doi-access= ignored (help)
  10. Ín-iōng chhò-gō͘: Bû-hāu ê <ref> tag; chhōe bô chí-miâ ê ref bûn-jī GBD2015Pre
  11. Ín-iōng chhò-gō͘: Bû-hāu ê <ref> tag; chhōe bô chí-miâ ê ref bûn-jī GBD2015De