


暗網英文dark web)係存在喺黑暗網絡上面嘅萬維網內容,只可以用特殊軟件或者對電腦做某啲設定先可以去到[1][2]

暗網係由深網嘅小部分構成嘅。深網嘅網絡唔能夠畀正常網上搜尋引擎(例如GoogleYahoo!)搵到[3][4][5][6][7]。構成暗網嘅隱藏服務網絡��括F2F英文Friend-to-friend嘅小型點對點網絡同埋由公共組織同個人營運嘅大型流行網絡例如Tor自由網I2P同埋Riffle英文Riffle (anonymity network)。暗網使用者基於常規網絡未加密嘅性質將佢稱為明網[8]。Tor暗網可以稱為洋蔥區域(onionland)[9]。暗網有嘅嘢大約有賭博槍械網誌色情黑客贗品位元幣詐騙、暗網市場等等,其中毒品市場佔最多。

  1. Greenberg, Andy (2014-11-19). "Hacker Lexicon: What Is the dark web?". Wired. 原先內容歸檔喺2015-08-30. 喺2015-08-27搵到.
  2. Egan, Matt (2015-01-12). "What is the dark web? How to access the dark website – How to turn out the lights and access the dark web (and why you might want to)". 原先內容歸檔喺2015-06-19. 喺2015-06-18搵到.
  3. Solomon, Jane (2015-05-06). "The Deep Web vs. The dark web". 原先內容歸檔喺2015-05-09. 喺2015-05-26搵到.
  4. Greenberg, Andy (2014-11-19). "Hacker Lexicon: What Is the dark web?". Wired. 原先內容歸檔喺2015-06-07. 喺2015-06-06搵到."Clearing Up Confusion – Deep Web vs. dark web". BrightPlanet. 原先內容歸檔喺2015-05-16.
  5. NPR Staff (2014-05-25). "Going Dark: The Internet Behind The Internet". 原先內容歸檔喺2015-05-27. 喺2015-05-29搵到.
  6. The dark web Revealed. Popular Science. pp. 20–21
  7. Greenberg, Andy (2014-11-19). "Hacker Lexicon: What Is the dark web?". Wired. 原先內容歸檔喺2015-06-07. 喺2015-06-06搵到.
  8. "Clearnet vs hidden services – why you should be careful". DeepDotWeb. 原著喺2015-06-28歸檔. 喺2015-06-04搵到.
  9. Chacos, Brad (2013-08-12). "Meet Darknet, the hidden, anonymous underbelly of the searchable Web". 原先內容歸檔喺2015-08-12. 喺2015-08-16搵到.
