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Exit Rooms

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The Exit Rooms are the only place on Kimia Facility where the staff can relax and imbibe some energon or engex. Situated next to the shuttle bays, a warren of recharge booths has been repurposed as a recreation area. Occasionally things there can get a bit rowdy.


2005 IDW continuity

After Ironfist's cerebro-sensitive bullets were turned down by the Ethics Committee, Skyfall accompanied him to the Exit Rooms so they could cheer themselves up. Some time later, Skyfall was sitting in the Exit Rooms when he overheard Brainstorm's team chatting about Fisitron's datalogs. After listening to Atomizer critically tear apart Ironfist's work, Skyfall reported back to his friend. When Ironfist received the news he was invited to join the Wreckers, Skyfall suggested that after his first mission, they meet up in the Exit Rooms for a quart of engex.

Nine months later, the day after an evening brawl in the Exit Rooms, Skyfall found that the Ethics Committee had confiscated all of his weapons work. His first thought was to round up Atomizer and Swerve and head to the Exit Rooms for a drink. Subsequent events meant that didn't have a chance to happen. Bullets

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