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Flux capacitor

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A flux capacitor is a critical component for time travel.

Time travel and stylish chestwear all in one.



Cybertron cartoon

When the intense races of Velocitron overworked Hot Shot, Red Alert warned the youngster not to engage his flux capacitor. Hero

Transformers/Back to the Future

The critical piece of the DeLorean time machine, the flux capacitor controlled the time circuits and guided the car through time. When Decepticon number-cruncher Gigawatt had a change of spark, he trans-scanned the DeLorean and tried to escape through time only for Megatron to shoot him in the flux capacitor, damaging it. Managing to escape, Gigawatt defected to the Autobots and tried to use his new powers to undo the Decepticons' reign of terror but his damaged capacitor brought him to 1985 instead of 1974 as he'd aimed for. Meeting Marty McFly, he brought the youth to 2015 to meet the Autobot rebels, in the hopes that Marty could repair the flux capacitor. Marty however revealed that only Doc Brown possessed the technical knowledge to do so. Transformers/Back to the Future #2

When the Autobots found Doc Brown he, under Watchtower's firepower, managed to repair Gigawatt's flux capacitor before a shot from Watchtower damaged the turncoat, forcing Brown and Skilz to physically push their friend up to eighty-eight miles per hour so he and Marty could travel back to 1984. Transformers/Back to the Future #4

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