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Strongarm (G1)

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The name or term "Strongarm" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Strongarm (disambiguation).
Strongarm is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.

The stalwart Strongarm is an Autobot with a police vehicle alternate mode.



Beast Wars: Uprising

An Autobot during the Great War, Strongarm was eventually hardwired into Iacon headquarters of the Maximal Command Security Force following the end of the conflict, becoming the immobile nerve center of the building.

When another Builder named Twirl was murdered in the streets of Iacon, the MSCF investigated. However, despite the fact such cases attracted Builder attention, Strongarm didn't contact police chief Aura immediately. When she did, the building was bombed, taking out some of Strongarm's neural clusters, making her scream in Aura's head before the shock knocked her out.

A few cycles later, Wolfang bluffed "Venus" by claiming he had a direct line to Strongarm ready to go. Trigger Warnings

2005 IDW continuity

RequiemoftheWreckers Wrookies.jpg

Strongarm was a young Cybertronian who was hand-picked and remotely mentored by Springer as a possible inclusion for the next incarnation of the Wreckers. When Springer abandoned his recruits to embark on a personal mission of his own, Strongarm and her fellow cadets witnessed his last message, urging the next-generation Wreckers to be better than their predecessors. Requiem of the Wreckers

During Unicron's attack on Cybertron, Strongarm made an attempt to calm a panicking crowd with law enforcement protocol. Road's End Though Cybertron itself was destroyed by the planet-eater, she was one of the Transformers who successfully escaped to Earth, and battled Unicron's Maximals alongside Frenzy and Rumble in São Paulo. Ceremony

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #14

Strongarm had only recently graduated from Streetwise's Security Operations academy in the days before the Great War. Swindle's Her first assignment involved her dealing with a group of Risers who were holed up in the Cybertronian Mountains. While Flak laid down cover fire, Sideswipe blew open a hole in the Titan corpse. While Strongarm and Kup were quick to attack, the unamused Lowload used his drill-tank mode to briefly incapacitate Strongarm. By the time that Strongarm recovered, the Titan exploded, scattering the combatants. The Change In Your Nature Part Two

Strongarm was back in the field with her rookie partner Bumper when the Tether fell from the Winged Moon. The chaos in the streets led to looting, and Strongarm and Bumper exchanged fire with criminals inside an energon store. Arcee intervened when her mentee Gauge was hit by stray gunfire, incapacitated several of the looters for Strongarm to arrest. Arcee/Greenlight: Run


After Prowl's spirited interrogation of Singe, Strongarm was part of the raid on Swindle's. She lamented to Bumper that she felt she was cursed, as each of her deployments thus far involved her getting shot at, and that feeling was only intensified when she saw that Sideswipe would be joining them. After Bumper had been enthralled by Mindwipe, Strongarm tried to shoot down Visper only for the Riser to flee. After Storm Cloud had dropped through the ceiling, Strongarm was told to restrain Bumper until Mindwipe's powers wore off. Swindle's

As the Senate held hearings to condemn the Ascenticons, Prowl deployed Strongarm and other Sec-Ops personnel around the perimeter for security. The threat was already inside the building, however, as Megatron and the Ascenticon Senators joined with the Rise and declared themselves Decepticons, seizing the place of government and making prisoners of the senators unaligned with their cause. We Have Deceived You A rescue mission was coordinated through Sec-Ops, Colonial Security, and the Senate Guard. Strongarm and Bumper were placed under Prowl's command again, covering the streets for when the infiltration unit made their escape. Bumper was still eager to please Prowl, and Strongarm didn't take kindly to Prowl being a prick as a motivational tactic. As the Senate Guard fled from their raid, they came under fire. Bumper left his post and was nearly cut down as well, but Sideswipe got the little bot to safety and Strongarm pulled them back behind the defensive perimeter. Prime

Strongarm was under Kup's direction when the Autobots made contact with Perceptor at the Forge Pyramid. However, they retreated after being confronted by the Rainmakers and Strika's Heavies. Titans Eventually, all those loyal to the old government were forced to flee Iacon entirely. Strongarm and Security Operations relocated to Crystal City, becoming part of the singular Autobot movement in the aftermath of the Decepticon takeover. She was assigned guard duty while Perceptor tried to upgrade the prodigy Jumpstream and her teleporting abilities. While on duty, she tried to impress on Sideswipe how Bumper had fixated on him as a role model after Sideswipe saved his life, and the responsibility that came with that. Test Flight I As the Autobots formalized as one faction, Strongarm was present during the Autobranding ceremony where all received their insignias. Sea of Rust I


Strongarm's squad was assigned to guard one of Crystal City's entrances, being a first line of defence when the Decepticons advanced, though their position was quickly overrun by Blitzwing's unit, forcing them to retreat. A Dust of Crystals While evacuating to Darkmount under a nominal truce with the Decepticons, the Autobot forces came under attack from rust worms and a treacherous Jhiaxus, who blocked them from their route by unleashing an artillery barrage on the ground ahead. With no way out, Strongarm, Sideswipe, Chromia, and Bumper tried to scout an alternate path until they ran into the Decepticon Seekers, Radical Time who intimidated them into retreating. End of Time Nevertheless, the Autobots made it to Darkmount and made a last stand while getting the Ark prepped for launch. Megatron attacked, and Strongarm held the line with her comrades until the ship took off. Several members of the Prime Guard remained behind and sacrificed themselves to let the others escape, and Bumper thought they should volunteer to help fill the ranks. Sideswipe was dubious, Strongarm was encouraging, but regardless of their decision, the three friends were prepared to make it together. Fate of Cybertron

Last Bot Standing

This is why you crack the window when you leave your dog in the car.

An Autobot soldier in the Great War, Strongarm served alongside Rodimus and Gripper. As the resources required to sustain their endless war finally dried up, Strongarm and her allies thought themselves the last Cybertronians in the galaxy before they were ambushed by a pair of Decepticon warships. The fighting took them down to the planet Donnokt. Last Bot Standing #1 While the Autobot trio managed to eliminate all of their pursuers, they also discovered that Donnokt was rich in energon-sympathetic materials. Despite Gripper and Strongarm's doubts, Rodimus insisted that they do nothing with this discovery. Last Bot Standing #4

Initially thinking Donnokt to be uninhabited, the Autobot trio were at first content to fade away only to discover organic life evolving on the planet. Fearing that the future energon would bring any other surviving Cybertronians to Donnokt, the three then made contact with a trustworthy local, gifting them three energon keys with which to fuel the Autobots in the event that the planet was invaded. Last Bot Standing #3 Over the eons, Strongarm grew restless at their self-imposed exile, seeking to return to space and find other pockets of Cybertronians with which to start again only for shipmates to dissuade her. Last Bot Standing #2 At some point after this, a crash claimed Gripper's life. The event eventually caused Strongarm to snap, returning to the ship to find more Cybertronians. As she took off, Rodimus opened fire on her with the intent to ground the craft, only for him to cause it to crash, killing Strongarm. Last Bot Standing #3


RID15-toy StrongarmWarrior.jpg
For further information, see: Strongarm (RID)#Toys


  • Strongarm is a straight continuity transplant of Robots in Disguise Strongarm.
  • It is not specified if the 2005 IDW version of Strongarm is a colonist, or a native Cybertronian who opted to change her gender expression.

See also

You look familiar...

Versions of Strongarm have appeared in other continuity families, including:

For more information, see Strongarm (disambiguation).
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