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The Judge (weapon)

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The name or term "Judge" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Judge (disambiguation).
Happiness is a warm gun.

"The Judge" is the personal firearm of the Autobot ballistics expert Guzzle.


2005 IDW continuity

While serving at the Igue-Moor Fuel Depot, Guzzle would regularly take The Judge out for target practice at the statues in the crumbling ruins of the Sacred Debating Chamber. After taking the offer to join the Wreckers Guzzle met Ironfist, who wasted no time in admiring all of The Judge's many features and modifications. Bullets

While aboard Ultra Magnus's ship en route to Garrus-9, Guzzle field-stripped The Judge, reassembling it while lamenting the lack of anything to kill. Last Stand of the Wreckers #2

Guzzle would not get the opportunity to unleash The Judge until much later, using it to disable Stalker's right arm mere moments before the Decepticon would have vivisected Impactor. Last Stand of the Wreckers #4

After being captured and strung up for spare parts by Decepticon Harvesters, Guzzle was freed by Impactor, but more importantly than that he was reunited with The Judge. With his trusty firearm in hand and an army of Decepticons between them and the way out, Guzzle and The Judge started making up for lost time. Escape

Even after upgrading to a much larger body, Guzzle still wielded The Judge, although his new massive hands could barely fit around the gun's handle. Sins of the Wreckers #4 He died still tightly clutching The Judge. Sins of the Wreckers #5


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