Weight Loss Tips You Can Ignore, According To Experts

There is no shortage of weight loss advice on the internet. If you want long-term weight loss there are a few misleading, and ineffective diet advice and tips that you must ignore. Read on to know what they are.
Weight loss tips you must ignore

Some weight loss tips are useful but many others are just misleading, ineffective, or even harmful, and not at all practical

To lose weight and be fit and healthy, apart from a good diet, you must balance it with a good, regular workout to keep the flab off. However, knowing which foods are particularly calorie-dense can aid dietary planning. But when on a mission to lose weight there are many places you would be checking up – and on the internet, there is no dearth of advice. Some weight loss tips are useful and can be incorporated into daily routines, but many others are just misleading, ineffective, or even harmful, and not at all practical.
So, here are a few of them that you should completely ignore while pursuing a journey to losing weight.

Eat breakfast even if not hungry

Eating breakfast daily is considered a popular advice given by most diet and nutrition experts, saying it boosts metabolism and keeps you energized. However, according to health experts, you should not be forced to eat if you are not hungry as breakfast is not necessarily beneficial for weight loss.
Various studies have proved that eating or skipping breakfast can have very little effect on weight. Nutritionists say that skipping breakfast is a kind of intermittent fasting, which some people find helps them lose weight.

Do not weigh every day

Your weight may fluctuate daily and so many people advise not to stand on the weighing machine daily.
However, according to experts, this practice will motivate you to consume fewer calories and work more towards the weight loss goal. Frequently weighing also provides accountability and helps you understand whether the weight is trending in the right direction.

Frequently, go on a juice diet

In the gym your instructor would advise you to go on a juice detox diet for a few days to lose weight. While it may work for a short while, the weight always bounces back when you stop doing it.

Cardio is important for weight loss

Cardiovascular or aerobic exercises involve a full-body workout. They not only reduce your body’s stress levels but are super helpful for the overall functioning of your organs. However, it is not the best strategy to lose weight in the long term. Cardio-based weight loss depends on an individual as some do respond well, while others need to work a lot more with weightlifting and even cutting down on food.
The best strategy is to maintain muscle mass while combining cardio with strength-training exercises.

Stay away from fatty foods

Fatty foods are a strict no when you are on a mission to lose weight. But according to diet experts, not all fats are bad for health. Avoiding fatty food may not help you lose weight at all. Fat has twice as many calories as protein or carbs but is also filling and takes a long time to digest. Nutritionists say foods that are naturally high in fat like avocados, nuts, and coconut can aid weight loss.

Eat twice or thrice a day

It is a common notion that small meals throughout the day help boost your metabolism. However, studies have shown that there is no difference in calories burned when you eat two large meals or spread it into five to six smaller meals. Dieticians however warn that the main problem is high-calorie snacking which should be avoided.
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