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Yahoo Mail Basic

Basic Mail provides base functionality like reading and writing messages, but does not include many of the advanced options. To use these features, we recommend upgrading to full-featured version of Yahoo Mail.

Tell us how we can improve your Yahoo Mail – Basic experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously. Our Guidelines have more on how you can give great feedback.

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You are now required to sign-in using your Yahoo email account in order to provide us with feedback and to submit votes and comments to existing ideas. If you do not have a Yahoo ID or the password to your Yahoo ID, please sign-up for a new account.

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993 results found

  1. Unable to change my first name on in or outgoing email

    I have change my first name to Ellie in the account setting but the email but my email that I send is Liz. Can anyone help me as I feel like I am living an double life.:)

    372nd ranked
  2. Please help

    OK I’ve been trying to establish an account but I’m having a lot of trouble making it work. My email address is
    So I try to change my password but that’s not working either can you please just erase everything and let me start over. Thank you

    372nd ranked
  3. I was jus notified that the alias function that used to work on Yahoo (email) no longer works on the present version of the Yahoo platform.

    I signed up for an online service with my alias, now it can not receive emails so when I try the "forgot password" I am not able to receive the reset link they sent me! I would be nice if that function still worked.

    372nd ranked
  4. Memory

    Need a bigger cloud im here looking for old pics i took back in 2005 finally, ive logged in after 15 years an you delete everything "goggle"

    372nd ranked
  5. I hate the NEW version of my mail...why do you force this on us? Leave the OLD VERSION alone! thx.

    I HATE the NEW version of my yahoo mail. Just leave well enough alone. I do not want the new version and WANT THE OLD VERSION BACK!!!
    You keep doing this from time to time , WHY?????

    17th ranked
    0 comments  ·  Ad feedback  ·  Admin →
  6. I dont know what happened but Yahoo Mail doesn't work. It keeps going to some advertiser web page and asks me to log in again.

    Look above:I dont know what happened but Yahoo Mail doesn't work. It keeps going to some advertiser web page and asks me to log in again.

    372nd ranked
  7. I want my classic mail back!!!!

    I want my classic mail back!!!!

    70th ranked
    2 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →

    Hate, Hate,Hate your NEW version. It's awful and stupid. LEAVE THE OLD VERSION ALONE FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO KEEP IT. Every single time I have to change it back. This sucks! JUST LEAVE THE OLD VERSION ALONE! Get it????

    191st ranked
    2 comments  ·  Ad feedback  ·  Admin →
  9. Stop switching me to the new version without my permission

    Do not automatically change my old version to the new version. And do not change it after I have switched it back to the old version over 40 times. Also, your details on how to keep my old version from switching to the new version are not effective. I do not have the drop down menu items that you say that I need to have in order to make the old version permanent.

    70th ranked
  10. 281st ranked
  11. I HATE THIS NEW EMAIL!!! I did not ask for it and it really is ****!! I want my old email back or I will change users. You had no right!!

    I HATE THIS NEW EMAIL!!! I did not ask for it and it really is ****!! I want my old email back or I will change users. You had no right to switch me.. NO RIGHT!!! FIX IT!!

    372nd ranked
    3 comments  ·  Ad feedback  ·  Admin →
  12. Change back classic mail

    Yahoo mail software guys! Switch back to classic mail. Don't post feedback without do nothing. Talk, Talk Talk. Listen consumer complaints. For yahoo software guys and Verizon.

    120th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  13. Please STOP switching my mail format to your new version. I like the classic and would like to keep the classic.

    Please STOP switching my mail format to your new version. I like the classic and would like to keep the classic.

    45th ranked
    0 comments  ·  Ad feedback  ·  Admin →
  14. Please stop the annoying phone verification.

    Like most people I talk to, I am using other email servers. This phone thing drives me crazy. You will learn after you lose your advertising revenue and no one uses it any longer.

    45th ranked
  15. 191st ranked
  16. If you would just go back to the old colors and letter styles, maybe the new version would be okay!

    If you would just go back to the old colors and letter style then the new version might be acceptable to us! The new colors are hard to pick up and tend to look like neon colors which takes longer to use. It all blends together.

    120th ranked
  17. Stop sending me to your new version everytime I log on.

    Stop sending me to your new version every time I log on.

    372nd ranked
  18. Why does Yahoo automatically put White House correspondence in spam?? Sounds like Biased web site

    Those that think its spam can unsubscribe.....STOP SHOWING YOUR POLITCAL BIAS YAHOO

    281st ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  19. 372nd ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  20. Please switch my email back to the classic version without any changes. Thank you

    Please switch my email back to the classic version without any changes. Thank you

    191st ranked
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