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Noble Basic

Welcome to our Yahoo Mail for Mobile feedback forum! This is a place for you to help shape the new Yahoo Mail for Mobile experience. We review the most popular, feasible ideas from this forum to make positive changes to your Yahoo Mail.

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  1. Please search and vote before posting! If your idea (or an idea very similar to yours) has already been posted, please vote for it. Duplicated ideas may be moved.
  2. This forum is for feedback and ideas only. Unfortunately, we cannot provide support here. For support, please visit our help site?.
  3. Please do not post personal information (such as email addresses, phone numbers or names) on the forum.

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278 results found

  1. Not receiving emails

    Hi Yahoo. I am not getting emails and also searched the spam list but its also not there . Tried several times but no luck .

    5th ranked
  2. 1st ranked
  3. Where are my emails ? Please restore my old emails. They are important for me

    Where are my emails ? Please restore all of my old emails. They are important for me

    20th ranked
  4. Complain

    Where are my old mails?! Why cant i see new mails

    2nd ranked
  5. 10th ranked
  6. Please restored my old email id iwant to check my 15 years old massages

    How can I see old massages like 15 years old massages

    30th ranked
  7. Inbox messege

    I lost all my messeges from the inbox, I think you deleted it .
    Please put my messeges back in inbox, I have had a lot of prouf and I need them.Please restore it!
    I don't understand why did thia to me.

    3rd ranked
  8. No email code for sign in

    I should never have to access another email account to access my Yahoo! Mail. When i enter my credentials properly, I should be signed in. No codes, no verification messages. Email is often the last line of communication and I may not have access to the other address at the moment. It may be only the computer at home has access or it's a work address available only through the office VPN. Now I'm possibly standing 500 miles from home, trying to get into my email to get the door code to let my hungry and cold family into our…

    23rd ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  9. 4th ranked
  10. Delete in bulk by the thousands

    Delete button for All email. I have over 10,000 emails because I need a way to clear the deck.
    Yahoo allows me to delete only 100 on every page and that takes forever.

    19th ranked
  11. Please yahoo restore some the mail deleted from 2018.

    Higher level service carry go keep it up

    Please yahoo mail restore some mail deleted before

    52nd ranked
  12. 6th ranked
  13. Lost mail

    You haven't yet restored all my mail in the inbox, that disappeared lastweek. Please restore them.

    34th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  14. 26th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  15. Stop with the constant prove your not a robot

    Stop with the constant prove your not a robot

    25th ranked
  16. 8th ranked
  17. I'm being Spammed to death.

    You need to improve your spam filters

    7th ranked
  18. An iptuon to turn off authentification. I'm not giving you my phone number!

    There is nothing in my email, I shouldnt have to give you a phone number!

    125th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  19. Can you make blocking spam block phishing easier pls

    Yahoo Can you make blocking spam block phishing easier pls
    I can't seem to find where it supposed to be? Why yahoo

    125th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  20. Accidenti a voi da stamattina alle 10 che gira la rotella dicendo che state sincronizzando la posta cosa cavolo dovete sincronizzare mi fa

    Cosa cazzo si deve sincronizzare la casella di posta da stamattina alle 10., se non siete capaci a fare la nuova casella lasciatemi la vecchia accidenti a tutti voi che fate gli informatici e non sapete neanche algebra booleana

    125th ranked
    3 comments  ·  Admin →
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Noble Basic


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