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Noble Test

Welcome to our Yahoo Mail for Mobile web feedback forum! This is a place for you to help shape the new Yahoo Mail experience. We review the most popular, feasible ideas from this forum to make positive changes to your Yahoo Mail.

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  1. Please search and vote before posting! If your idea (or an idea very similar to yours) has already been posted, please vote for it. Duplicated ideas may be moved.
  2. This forum is for feedback and ideas only. Unfortunately, we cannot provide support here. For support, please visit our help site.
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  4. Please do not post personal information (such as email addresses, phone numbers or names) on the forum.

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49 results found

  1. 3rd ranked
  2. Where is my messages????

    I had this account since I was in middle school!!! I can’t recieve any messages or reset my PlayStation network password please help!!!

    1st ranked
  3. 2nd ranked
  4. Please allow long standing users to restore their emails. I lost over 15 years of emails/records due to yahoo deactivating my account

    Please allow users to restore email accounts. I log in using alternate methods but my account was still deactivated. Please assist with this as yahoo is my primary account for email.

    5th ranked
  5. 5th ranked
  6. Instagram verification code

    I didn't recieve any email verification code from instagram.
    Please help me, I need my account.
    also have checked the spam folder but there's nothing from instagram.
    Please tell me what to do.
    Thank you.

    11th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  7. Don't stop me from scrolling through my emails. At the very least set a default number of emails to appear per page, but also let me change

    Allow us to set the number of emails being shown per page. I would appreciate a minimum of 50 emails.

    23rd ranked
    2 comments  ·  Admin →
  8. 4th ranked
  9. I lost all my saved meals talking about everything so how could that be so why should i want be with Yahoo anymore

    I lost all my saved meals talking about everything so how could that be so why should i want be with Yahoo anymore

    8th ranked
  10. Needs to be easier to delete emails.

    I had over 25,000 emails and trying to delete them is a pain, it keeps freezing and telling me unable to delete. 100 at a time? What ever happened to being able to delete them all at once. Bring that back

    8th ranked
  11. 10th ranked
  12. Be able to delete select

    Be able to select multiple messages at a time.

    5th ranked
  13. 16th ranked
  14. Amen to no ads! It has to stop!

    Not an idea, just stop the ads! Not cool.

    16th ranked
  15. Sender's message not shown after saved in 'sent' box & only mine.It used to show. What's happening again?

    Sender's message not shown after saved in 'sent' box & only mine.It used to show. What's happening again?

    12th ranked
  16. 23rd ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  17. fix typing problems

    fix your mobile email typing problem its very frustrating when u type simple words and it automatically adds 10 different letters in front or behind the words u try to type
    this is very annoying and time consuming when u try to answer simple questions back to someone
    everything was fine and works before you people had to change things
    why reinvent the wheel if its been working for years

    12th ranked
  18. Spam mail

    Spam mail is getting out of hand, everyday I’m spamming mail that constantly seems to appear again. THIS HAS TO STOP ITS VERY ANNOYING!!!

    12th ranked
  19. Easy way to login to multiple yahoo accounts

    I just can’t see to figure out how to login to multiple yahoo accounts. There is an option to add additional accounts from other providers.

    12th ranked
  20. Make good acess

    Excess well

    16th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
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Noble Test


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