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Nodin INTL

Welcome to our Yahoo Basic Mail feedback forum! This is a place for you to help shape the new Yahoo Basic Mail experience. We review the most popular, feasible ideas from this forum to make positive changes to your Yahoo Mail.

Basic Mail provides base functionality like reading and writing messages, but does not include many of the advanced options. To use these features, we recommend upgrading to full-featured version of Yahoo Mail.

Here are some guidelines for using this forum:

  1. Please search and vote before posting! If your idea (or an idea very similar to yours) has already been posted, please vote for it. Duplicated ideas may be moved.
  2. This forum is for feedback and ideas only. Unfortunately, we cannot provide support here. For support, please visit our help site.
  3. Please do not post personal information (such as email addresses, phone numbers or names) on the forum.

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133 results found

  1. je voudrai revenir à la version précédente qui était plus fonctionnelle pourquoi changer sans demander notre avis quelque choqe qui me satis

    pourquoi changer quelque chose qui fonctionne très bien et me convient pour autre chose qui fonctionne mal de plus j'avais rien demandé mon souhaits
    est de revenir à l'ancienne version

    5th ranked
  2. Give us back our choice....Basic please

    Return to original basic as people choose to use it for numerous reasons. Elderly or sight impaired can read the letters & the layout is user friendly, It is not cumbersome like the new version. Let us have the choice as we are the ones using it & it looks like people love it or you wouldn't be getting all these comments. DON'T FIX WHAT AINT BROKEN.

    1st ranked
  3. stop a la nouvelle version je veux rester a l ancienne

    stop a la nouvelle version je veux rester a l ancienne

    2nd ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  4. New Yahoo Mail is unworkable. I am looking for a new email supplier.

    New Yahoo Mail is unworkable. Change back to Classic Mail and stop treating your clients with contempt. I am now forced to find a new email supplier.

    2nd ranked
  5. 7th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  6. 7th ranked
  7. Do not improve the basic version. Your new version is a disaster

    your new version is not an enhancement. it is the beginning of the end for yahoo.
    I begun to transfer all my historic emails to a new server and I prepare to leave yahoo, because i am not so simpleton ; one day, yahoo will enforce the new version and it won't be definitively impossible to switch bas to the optimal basic version...

    5th ranked
  8. bring baxck the old it worked

    bring back the old, it work properly

    7th ranked
  9. Here's an Idea: How About Listening To Your Valued Customers And Give Us Back Basic E-Mail Service?

    Here's an Idea: How About Listening To Your Valued Customers And Give Us Back Basic E-Mail Service? i mean, If you're not simply another corporate ***** that is. If you are, then feel free to ignore this message as i'm sure you've done to all the others we've sent.

    10th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  10. problems with contacts lists

    On the previous version of Yahoo Basic I could use my various contact lists to send emails. That feature has disappeared on the current version of Yahoo Basic which means if I want to send an email to 10 people who were on a specific contact list I now have to scroll through my ENTIRE contact list which is hundreds of people. There is no reason why this feature had to be deleted from this version of Yahoo Basic except, of course, to force people to use the new Yahoo Mail. Well it won't work. Goodbye Yahoo, hello Gmail or…

    4th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  11. The new version is worse i can no longer delete emails

    I cannot delete emails!!!!!!!! Please fix this.

    10th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  12. merci de remettre la version que vous m avez retire et ne plus y toucher car elle est de meilleur qualité que ce que vous nous imposez

    merci de remettre la version que vous m avez retire et ne plus y toucher car elle est de meilleur qualité que ce que vous nous imposez

    18th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  13. What would you say the chances of me getting the old Yahoo Mail Basic back are?

    Your new version isn't an improvement and basically sucks. Surely am tired of it! Actually, i'm wondering if anyone but us ever reads these... If they do, i'm wondering why there's no action on the issue. Are you waiting for the uproar over this moronic move to die down? Good luck on that...

    13th ranked
  14. new basic sucks too

    Not only does your new upgraded mail suck, now your new BASIC SUCKS TOO.

    What was really wrong with the old basic? Nothing. Bring it back.

    It's not that I don't like change. Your new product really stinks. Very slow. No attachments from mail option. You like going backwards?

    13th ranked

    Why invent new ideas that take away practical functionalities like choices of fonts, colors underlining, original messages, etc... that were so useful ? The new Basic have useless functions that are just made for the eyes, not for the writer. Why make changes to something that is working well and replace it by useless new functions while taking away useful ones ?

    13th ranked
  16. Basic E-Mail

    I want to go back to basic e-mail. I do not have the gear icon to click on to do this.

    thank You,
    Bonnie Belanger

    13th ranked
  17. So when do we get Yahoo Mail Basic back?

    The new email system you forced on us blows

    13th ranked
  18. arreter de nous embeter avec ce nouveau yahoo qui est nul et ne ser a rien sauf a nous envahir de pub

    arreter de nous embeter avec ce nouveau yahoo qui est nul et ne ser a rien sauf a nous envahir de pub

    30th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  19. 切換成舊版信箱後,重新登入都會被轉成新版,很麻煩。


    12th ranked
  20. remettez de suite mon ancienne présentation et ne plus y toucher, merci

    remettez de suite mon ancienne présentation et ne plus y toucher merci

    30th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
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