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100 results found

  1. Hold your writers and editors accountable for content.
    In less than an hour, on my phone, without a degree in journalism, I was able to find scientific evidence, from verifiable sources, disputing the content of an article published by IN THE KNOW. I would hope “Trending Writer” NEIA BALAO would have done her do diligence and verified the information given by the board certified dermatologist before she presented it as factual in her article. After all, she was presenting a story to dispute a viral video, warning it may not be safe and it hasn’t been studied enough. After my research, I personally think neither one of…

    14th ranked
  2. Well you can start by giving proper advice. Puppies should never ever have soft plush toys. They eat them, literally the insides.

    Your advice on a shopping spree on what to buy for a puppy is horrible and irresponsible. Puppies eat what ever they can. Hard rubber toys are best for a puppy for teething, not plush toys. This is nothing but a commercial article which is very bad advice.

    14th ranked
  3. Grow food in cold north through winter

    I enjoy your content very much. Would you consider e-visiting our Datacenter Greenhouse in rural Washington, USA? We have a greenhouse heated by a data center to grow food through the extended winter at 2,000 feet above sea level. The data center is making the heat available for free to our nonprofit because the founders of the company are naturalized citizens from countries where they’ve seen poverty and children going hungry.

    This is the second most economically depressed county in Washington State and we keep losing our large employers, making the situation worse. The county has less than 13,000 residents…

    14th ranked
  4. Statistical error in article******-reduction-202320729.html
    In the first paragraph: 33,000 is not "a huge increase from. . . 217,000" Re-examine your source material.

    14th ranked
  5. Stop doing articles on things that average people in the U.S. cant afford.

    I love my plants. I am by NO means a master gardner but, gently coaxing a tissue culture into a mature plant has become VERY satisfying.
    With winter coming, and my living in Michigan, I've been preparing for the absence of natural sunlight. So, imagine if you will, my excitement upon seeing the headline of this article.
    And THEN, I had to stop and look to see if this was really on MY Google feed or if I had stumbled onto a SkyMall page.
    The people that CAN afford those lights? Know about those lights. Already have those lights.

    14th ranked
  6. No longer able to view videos

    Using Firefox and Windows 11, I find I am suddenly not able to play the videos. This has never happened before.

    14th ranked
  7. Legible type, like Gutenberg had.

    What's the point of your copy appearing in type so pale it's hard to read?

    14th ranked
  8. Do more research

    When listing "Top 10" items such as body wash, do more research. I just read the Top 10 body wash article and it was totally ridiculous. Some of those body washes have a plain smell. Nothing significant that would "transport you to a tropical island".
    There are so many body washes out there, popular brands, that are known for their amazing scents like Native. It seems like the author just grabbed a handful of body washes and just wrote an article about them.
    What you should do is post a public poll. Then write an article about the "Top 10"…

    14th ranked
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  9. Quit talking aboit toxic relationships when nothing is there.

    There's an a dumb article you people wrote about toxic relationships about a man smashing cake in wife's face being toxic. You know nothing to give advice to public. Whoever wrote this article is probably single and never had a date in years.

    14th ranked
  10. Stop promoting products that do animal testing

    Stop promoting products and companies that torture animals. This day and age you should know better

    14th ranked
  11. 14th ranked
  12. 14th ranked
  13. suggestion

    Just read the article on the ****** lady unable to ride amusement park rides because she's too fat. Here's a novel idea: How about telling people what they need to hear? Quit enabling morbid obesity. You're not doing anyone any service by enabling them. Has it ever occurred to you that people are tired of being constantly exposed to morbid obesity? I'm tired of seeing it. It's disgusting.

    14th ranked
  14. Make it easier to share similar or relating to stories

    This is in response to the CVS Visa gift card story. I had the same thing happen less than a month ago. I went to CVS and bought a $225 Vanilla Visa gift card. Went straight home which is 1 block away. When I opened the card and went to use it online I noticed there were no numbers on the front of the card and no CVV number either. When I called customer service you can't get past the automated system without entering a card # luckily I had an old card sitting around so I entered that #…

    14th ranked
  15. 14th ranked
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  16. Research before you recommend

    I have a idea. Please make sure that when you suggest a site that sells authentic items, check again. The Michael Kors handbag on Amazon that you posted about is a total fake! You have people wasting their time and spending their money on something that you claim is authentic. Not cool.

    14th ranked
  17. Stop publishing old articles as new

    Quit recycling 6+ month old stories and posting them as new.

    14th ranked
  18. Bad information

    The title of this article started with "LENOVO’S NEWEST AND MOST ADVANCED LAPTOP..." and was posted August 12th 2022. The "newest and best" laptop mentioned is a very out of date device that was released in June of 2020. I am fairly certain Lenovo has release several laptops in the last two years (so not newest) and a Lenovo laptop I purchased refurbished in 2018 has better specs than this one. Are you purposely trying to make this site garbage/untrustworthy?

    14th ranked
  19. 14th ranked
  20. Get rid of the junk links

    ITK is probably the lamest website around. You go to an article to watch the advertised video, when you get there, you discover 138 links. Which one is the one you went there for?? Stupid. I don't go to ITK any more.
    Shape up.

    14th ranked
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